Sunday, May 29, 2011

Video: Sarah Palin Joins Rolling Thunder

By Gary P Jackson

A bit of video from Fox News of Sarah Palin at the Rolling Thunder rally in Washington, D.C. honoring P.O.W.s and those still Missing In Action.

I still can't figure out Fox's headline. "Stolen thunder"? Really Fox? Really?

Sarah Palin was invited to ride in the event as are many high profile leaders annually.

It never ceases to amaze me how the media, when there is no controversy, will go out of their way to create one. Anyone who questions Sarah Palin's motivation to honor the military is insane. She's the mother of an Iraq war vet, as well as a former Commander-in-Chief of two military forces. She speaks at events nationwide in support of our military men and women.

Here's a photo of Sarah in the crowd:

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