Monday, August 31, 2009

Sarah Palin’s Incredible Star Power Stronger Than Ever

Sarah Palin’s status as a superstar is undeniable. She is incredibly popular nationwide. According to the latest report from Mike Allen, over at Politico, Sarah Has almost 1100 invitations to speak at events nationwide.

This week Sarah will begin accepting invitations to those speaking engagements.

As we all know, unscrupulous promoters have been inviting Sarah to events for months, and advertising this, boosting ticket sales, without having any commitment from Sarah whatsoever.

As an old drag racing promoter, I know if we pulled stunts like this, the fans (and the racers themselves) would’ve skinned us alive! Evidently though, this sort of thing is common in the political world.

What is aggravating though, is the fact that these promoters get all kinds of publicity, because of Sarah Palin, and even though they never had any commitment from the Arctic Fox, their ticket sales soar, and when Sarah doesn’t show up they try and blame it on her.

Our policy is to never even talk about speaking gigs unless Sarah herself, or her spokeswoman Meg Stapleton issues a press release about it.

OK, enough of that!

Basically, if Sarah herself doesn’t promote it, it probably isn’t true, and ain’t happening !

Sarah has over 950 offers for paid speaking engagements, many of them are six figure deals. And over 120 politicians have asked her to come and speak on their behalf. I’m sure they all understand the incredible effect she had on Senator Saxby Chambliss’ re-election bid, which went from a dead heat race before Palin came to visit, and turned into a 16 point blowout after Sarah spent one single day addressing huge crowds on his behalf.

Sarah had offers from twenty speaker’s bureaus to represent her and chose the Washington’s Speakers Bureau. This is the group that represents a variety of folks from George and Laura Bush to Bob Woodward and Katie Couric to Alan Greenspan, Colin Powell and Rudy Giuliani.

Sarah will be doing both paid speaking engagements as well as unpaid speeches to political and charitable organizations, including groups that support families with special needs children and those who support the military and their families.

I must stress that Sarah has made no commitments whatsoever to any speaking engagements. My best advice to folks who hear that she is speaking somewhere, is to check out her Facebook page. Sarah uses Facebook extensively to communicate with the nation.

It’s also said that Sarah is about 85 percent finished with her book that will be published by HarperCollins and available in the spring of 2010.

Sarah’s lawyer, Robert Bennett, has also compiled a workbook about an inch and a half thick filled with offers for TV and radio shows, and other interesting business opportunities. Sarah will begin going through this, as well.

Sarah Palin has some serious jazz. Since she has been so busy behind the scenes, she has taken to using her Facebook page as a highly effective communications tool. We all know what she was able to do by typing two short paragraphs a few weeks ago!

The growth of supporters on her page has been nothing short of phenomenal.

As I write this Sarah has almost 850,000 people listed as friends on her page. And thousands are joining daily. To put this into perspective, here is what the numbers on Facebook look like for those who as touted as other important Republican politicians:

Mike Huckabee 106,636

Mitt Romney 69,332

Bobby Jindal 67,773

Tim Pawlenty 6,735

Jeb Bush 2,670

In the last few weeks Sarah has had more new supporters join her, than all of the above, combined, have supporters on their pages.

Sarah is the one Republican who has really mastered using the internet to gain an audience. And what she says gets results. As we have already mentioned, she totally changed the debate on national health care when she spoke of death panels. And when Barack Obama and the state run media attacked her, she calmly retorted with tons of information about those involved with Obama, like Dr Death, Dr Ezekiel Emanuel, and others who would indeed create death panels.

She also encouraged millions to actually read H.R. 3200, the House bill that most represents Obamacare, a 1017 page monstrosity that amounts to the total usurpation of the United States Constitution. And folks have indeed read this bill by the millions. America is not pleased by what they read!

We’ve written a bit about Glenn Beck’s efforts to expose Obama and all of the illegal and unconstitutional Czars Obama has appointed to powerful posts. Sarah noted this as well, and on Wednesday of last week asked all of her Facebook friends to join her in watching Glenn Beck’s Fox News program.

The result? Beck’s show gained over one million new viewers over the previous day, making it the number one news show on cable, beating out ratings giant Bill O’Reilly. And those viewers stayed with Beck throughout the rest of the week.

With the power Sarah Palin has just by posting short notes on Facebook, one can only imagine the effect she will have on the national debate once she hits the road and starts really speaking out against Obama and his tyrannical government!

By God, I almost feel sorry for Obama and his democrat/communist party!

The Democrat/Communist Party’s New Strategy For Winning Elections: Arrest The Voters!

You know, just when you think the democrat/communist party has sunk as far as it can possibly go, they find new ways to dig themselves even lower into the muck.

At a townhall meeting in New Hampshire, Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter had a constituent removed for asking a question at her meeting. Carl Tommanelli, a retired police officer, challenged Shea-Porter on the presence of SEIU union thugs who were bussed in from out of her district, a common democrat/communist tactic nowadays. The democrat/communists use the union thugs as "enforcers" as well as astroturf style supporters. Paid to show up.

This is much the same strategy that has seen the democrat/ communists employ ACORN rent-a-mobs to make it look like they had support for their various efforts. With all of the heat on ACORN for their illegal activities, Obama and the democrats have taken to using the SEIU union rent-a-mobs in their place. SEIU, the Service Employees International Union, was founded by the same people who founded ACORN, and both office out of the same buildings in many locations nationwide.

According to "Now! New Hampshire" Carol Shea-Porter has become increasingly unhinged in recent weeks, and has been railing against her constituents calling the protesters "tea baggers," a vulgar sexual reference, that the democrat/communists and the state run media, such as MSNBC and CNN ,have been using to describe patriotic tea party protesters.

Funny thing, back when George W. Bush was President and the Republicans were the majority, dissent was the highest form of patriotism. Now that Hopey-Changey and his pathetic group run the show, protesting is now somehow a bad thing.

Don’tcha just love the democrat/communist party? They give new meaning to the word hypocrite! They take it to an entirely new level.

Of course, what is striking, is the fact that Shea-Porter was a bit of an insurgent herself.

"The irony is, of course, that Shea-Porter used to be a ‘tea-bagger’ on the left," writes Nashua Telegraph columnist Kevin Landrigan. "She stalked then-congressman Jeb Bradley at town hall-style meetings the 1st District Republican incumbent held throughout his district."

Four years ago Carol Shea-Porter protested at the State House alongside people dressed as Nazis while accusing the federal government of trying "to brand us like sheep." On Saturday, she disparagingly referred to people who do not trust the same federal government to run our health care system as "these people."

"We remember when, Carol, do you," asks Landrigan.

You can read more about this incident and see video here.

The democrat/communists are finally showing themselves for what they are. This bunch does not care about what America wants. This bunch is drunk on power and see an opportunity to fundamentally change America from a representative republic, to some sort of communist utopia. They want to disregard our Constitution and establish an all powerful central government with themselves in power forever.

It is up to patriotic Americans to stop them, and stop them now.

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."

Thomas Jefferson

Now if you are still kidding yourself and think Shea-Porter is the exception to the rule on democrat/communists, here’s another incident of the fascists attempting to silence all speech that does not agree with their sick world views.

Last Tuesday over at democrat/communist Jim Moran’s townhall meeting a patriot outside was approached by a school district policeman Wesley Cheeks. Officer Cheeks, who obviously didn’t like the sign the man was holding, told him he had to take it down.

As the below video shows it got quite interesting.

First the cop said he would charge the protester with trespassing. When asked why he was being singled out over the numerous other sign carrying protesters, Cheeks told the protester that it was because his sign had a picture on it. After further discussion, the cop finally said "I can charge you with anything I want!"

Nice, huh?

Finally the protester says "This used to be America!"

Our man, Officer Cheeks, replied "It ain’t no more, OK?"

Well no, Officer Cheeks, it is most certainly not OK!

We can no longer sit by and put up with this. This violates the Constitution as well as 233 years worth of American tradition. This sort of attitude from Shea-Porter and Officer Cheeks, as well as the rest of the democrat/communist party should enrage you. It should also inspire you.

The democrat/communists are showing their true colors now. They are saying and doing openly what they had previously tried to keep well hidden from the average American. Now that more and more Americans see them for what they are, the democrat/communists are well on their way to be a minority party for generations to come.

It’s time for all good men and women to help them achieve this status!

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

Ronald Reagan

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sarah Palin Continues To Help Shine The Light On Obama’s Corruption

Sarah Palin has been on Obama’s case for some time, taking shots at him in almost every speech and TV interview since he took office. Sarah warned us about the dangers of electing Barack Obama, but unfortunately, 52 percent of the nation chose not to listen. Now 100 percent of the nation is suffering because of this severe error in judgment.

The problems are many, and real solutions, proven solutions that work, are AWOL in the Obama regime. Many have real questions why Obama and his democrat/communist party are seemingly, deliberately, allowing the economy to crash and burn, while at the same time running up unprecedented, and completely unsustainable debt.

Many wonder what the end game is.

Of course, for those paying attention, we have seen this coming for years. The left wing loons in this country have been overtly pushing for socialism for decades. Back in 1961 Ronald Reagan warned us about socialized medicine as the first step to a complete socialist nation where all liberty and freedom will be destroyed.

Well, Obama and his unconstitutional Czars are about to make Ronald Reagan’s upmost fears a reality. As we previously discussed, Obama has some serious anti-American radicals advising him and even writing important legislation, such as the stimulus bill.

We now know that Jeff Jones, a founding member, along with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, of the Weather Underground, is a member of the Apollo Alliance, the group that wrote the stimulus bill that absolutely no one in Congress read before passing, and Obama signed into law.

One man, Glenn Beck, has been all over Obama and his illegal and unconstitutional Czars.

Glenn Beck has been doing a series of discussions on the various Czars all this week, to record ratings, on his afternoon Fox News show.

For her part, earlier in the week, Sarah Palin urged her nearly 900,000 Facebook members to tune in to Becks popular and essential show:

"FOX News' Glenn Beck is doing an extraordinary job this week walking America behind the scenes of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and outlining who is actually running the White House.

Monday night he asked us to invite one friend to watch; tonight I invite all my friends to watch."

-Sarah Palin

This of course, only helps focus attention to the vital information that Glenn Beck has been giving America this week.

It’s also interesting to note that no one of any credibility is disputing what Beck or Sarah are saying about Obama’s corrupt organization.

Even the White House’s only complaint is that Glenn called one of Obama’s communist advisors a Czar, when in fact, this man had actually passed Senate confirmation. That was the White House’s only objection!

Of course, the main concern over all of the 30 some odd Czars, besides the fact that they are radical communists (most self admit this) is the fact that appointing these Czars, who are officially called "special advisers to the President," is an end run around the Constitution, and the Senate’s role of advise and consent over the Presidential appointees to powerful positions.

As many of these Czars have criminal records as well as ties to radicals, such as domestic terrorists, there is no way in hell they would even receive a Senate hearing, let alone be confirmed.

So what Obama has done is set up an illegal shadow government, made up of unelected and unapproved advisers who are answerable only to Barack Obama. They have no accountability to the American people whatsoever. No allegiance to America, or the Constitution, just Obama.

This is NOT what the framers of our Constitution had in mind.

This is the biggest power grab in American history, in what amounts to a coup d'état by a bunch of radical communists.

The similarities between today, and Nazi Germany in the 1930's are staggering. Hitler also usurped his nation’s constitution by appointing people without approval. Hitler only convened his cabinet one time, for show, and then relied on his version of Czars, to do his dirty work from then on.

Now is a good time to point out that I catch flack for calling these people communists and radicals, even though Van Johnson, Obama’s "green jobs" Czar describes HIMSELF as a "radical communist!"

I also catch hell for comparing Obama to Hitler. But if you can find a better historical parallel, by all means, please let me know. Hitler took over the banks, took over the car companies (the Volkswagen "Beetle" was his idea) and nationalized health care.

Hitler’s ideas on eugenics and thoughts on who "deserves" medical care and who doesn’t, fall right in line with those of Dr Ezekiel Emanuel, brother to Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, and an adviser to Obama on health care.

Dr. Death, as we call him, and his extremist ideas that Obama and his thugs embrace wholeheartedly, are the basis for the "death panels" that Sarah Palin so poignantly spoke of.

So let me just insert a quote here from Abraham Lincoln:

"If you call a cow’s tail a leg, how many legs does she have?

Lincoln went on to explain that no matter what you choose to call a cow’s tail, it’s still a tail. So we can call what Obama is doing anything we want. Shoot, make up some hopey-changey sounding name like "rainbows and unicorns for everyone!" But that fact remains, this is communism, plain and simple and all of the sugar coating in the world won’t change that. It’s time to realize what we face, and tackle it head on.

Anything less is just insane, and very, very dangerous.

Now, on to Glenn Beck. Beck has been really doing the work no other TV journalist dares. He has been exposing all of those who advise Obama. There is not a sane one in the bunch!

Let’s start out with a primmer on this bunch as Glenn and Michelle Malkin discuss some of these people and how they were members of radical Marxist groups.

Someone very troubling involved with Obama is Jeff Jones, no relation to Van Jones.

Jeff Jones, as we mentioned above, along with Obama’s friend, Bill Ayers was the co-founder of the violent Weather Underground, a group of domestic terrorists who carried out bombings across the nation during their reign of terror, which included bombing the United States Capitol Building, and the Pentagon.

Please go here to meet Jeff Jones, a convicted felon, and a member of the Apollo Alliance, the group that wrote most, if not all of the stimulus package that Barack Obama pushed so hard for. So hard in fact, that no one in Congress was even given the time to read this monstrosity.

This is truly alarming stuff.

But let’s soldier on. The Apollo Alliance is made up of serious America hating radicals who worship men like Mao Tse Tung, and Che Guevara. Both mass murders in the name of communism.

Take time to read the info here and here, this will really make you sit up and take notice.

Glenn Beck’s latest chapter, in his week long discussion, is about Obama’s attempt to silence free speech in America. Now before you roll your eyes, let me remind you this is a thugacracy that urged everyday Americans to turn in other everyday Americans who were saying "fishy" (their words) things about Obamacare, and created to facilitate this. So absolutely nothing should be considered too far fetched for this bunch!

Mark Lloyd is Obama’s FCC "diversity officer." As you will see in the video below, he is a radical communist who laments that Hugo Chavez’s first attempt at setting up a communist dictatorship in Venezuela was thwarted by "enemies" in the United States government who aided the free radio stations in Venezuela and kept an open line of communication out there between the peoples of that once free nation.

That’s right, this Lloyd character actually calls AMERICA, the "enemy!"

Are you kidding me?

Insert unnecessarily long, multi-syllable curse word filled rant here:__________

As Beck and Rush Limbaugh explain, the plan isn’t to use the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" to silence talk radio. They plan to use various laws concerning "local content’ to force national talk radio stars, Like Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Mark Levin off the air, while at the same time funding National Public Radio which is no more than a propaganda arm of the democrat/communist party!

Of course, if those on the left had actual ideas Americans wanted to hear, they would be successful. But in the history of talk radio, which was pioneered by Rush Limbaugh, there has never been a really successful left wing talker. They only exist on government funded radio, and the perennially bankrupt Air America.

With over 20 million listeners weekly, it’s obvious that Americans like what Rush Limbaugh is selling, and that aggravates the democrat/communists to no end. You see, they can’t compete in the marketplace of ideas, because their ideas are unpopular, and unwanted. Rather than actually come up with ideas though, they’d rather just shut down all debate!

Watch as Glenn And Rush discuss this:

Sarah Palin warned Americans of the dangers of electing Barack Obama as she campaigned for Vice President. The left wing kooks lost their minds, of course, and attacked her as an extremist, but as we are seeing, Sarah was right on the money, as usual.
Now I can’t read Obama’s mind. He is certainly not the brilliant man, but he is smart enough to not openly talk about communism as strongly as all of those he continually appoints to his team of ever growing numbers of illegal and unconstitutional Czars.

But it is not unreasonable to judge a man by the company that he keeps.

Barack Obama was mentored by radical communist Frank Marshall Davis, from the tender age of 10 years old. Obama himself writes in his book that he sought out the radicals in College. He states that he purposely sought out Marxist professors.

Barack Obama served on two "education" foundations with violent domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and launched his political career in Ayers and wife, felon Bernardine Dohrn’s living room.

Barack Obama was a thug organizer for ACORN, teaching the finer techniques of radical communist and America hater Saul Alinsky’s "Rules For Radicals," a book Alinsky dedicated to Lucifer (the devil) who he called "the first radical"

Barack Obama has already dispatched union thugs from the Service Employees Union International, which was founded by the same men who founded ACORN, to attack American citizens at townhalls who dare disagree with Obamacare. (Again, go study 1930's Germany for comparisons)

As we wrote earlier, Barack Obama has sent out union thugs, through Facebook, to attack Sarah Palin and all of those who support her through that social network, running advertisements containing outright lies about her.

Again, this is nothing more than an attempt to intimidate those who dare disagree with the "Dear Leader" Obama!

A group that Van Jones, Obama’s "green jobs" Czar, an admitted "radical communist" (his words) is involved with is behind the unsuccessful boycott of Glenn Beck’s show.

To show you just how intolerant the left wing communist radicals are in this country, look at the latest attempt to silence free speech and free thought:

Whole Foods is a liberal nirvana. They sell overpriced, but very toney, organic and "green" groceries. The Austin, Texas based store is one of the best run out there, and has bought completely into the so-called "progressive" lifestyle.

This is a company that embraces every left wing style of management. And yet, it’s a great place to work. Most notably, Whole Foods has an incredible health care program it offers to it’s employees. It is truly a blueprint for a free market solution to the nationwide healthcare debate.

So Whole Foods CEO, John Mackey wrote an op-ed that laid out his ideas for a nationwide healthcare plan. Now since this was based on common sense, and actually works, it is totally different from anything resembling Obamacare.

So what has happened?

Well since Mr Mackey had the temerity to go against the wishes of the "Dear Leader, " Obama, his company, which gives money to every left wing cause imaginable, is under siege!

There is a nationwide boycott being organized by communist radicals, some with ties to the Apollo Alliance, and as I’m writing this, I am learning that a group of labor unions are demanding Mr Mackey, the CEO to be fired!

As powerful and dangerous as the labor unions are in this nation, this sort of thing should have every America sitting up and taking notice. The tactics being used by the left are right out of the play books of communist and socialist despots worldwide. Hitler, Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Chavez and others have successfully used these methods throughout history to destroy liberty and freedom, and set themselves up as absolute rulers of whole populations.

Is this what Obama is angling for?

I honestly don’t know.

But it is certainly something the radical left wing communists that work for Obama espouse. They would love nothing more than to silence all dissent and rule over you and I with an iron fist.

These are very dangerous times. Glennn Beck and Sarah Palin are warning you to wake up and smell the coffee! It’s time to get involved. To sit up and demand Obama fire all of these Czars, or else.

It’s time to rally around solid conservative candidates for office, from dog catcher to President of the United States! No more democrat/communists, and no more squishy "moderate" Republicans who simply serve as enablers to the democrat/communists. We need people who understand and revere the Constitution of the United States.

We must never settle for anything less ever again.

These are very dangerous times, and if we don’t get a handle on this, America will cease to exist as we know it. The shining light of freedom will forever go dark.

So go to the tea parties and townhalls. Demand satisfaction from those in elected office. And be silent no more!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Shocker! Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers’ Running Buddy Jeff Jones Was Involved In Writing Barack Obama’s Stimulus Package!

Remember when Sarah Palin said Barack Obama was "pallin’ around with terrorists?" Well, it turns out she may be more right than even she knew at the time.

I’ve written a lot about Obama’s ties to radical communists from his early childhood on, but the more we learn, the more we understand just what a radical America hating communist Barack Obama truly is.

We all know Bill Ayers is a murdering domestic terrorist who specialized in blowing stuff up and murdering cops. His only saving grace was his daddy was rich, and able to hire a shady enough lawyer to get him off. This is a loser who was interviewed by the New York Times for a piece that was published, of all days, September 11, 2001.

In this interview, entitled "No Regrets For A Love Of Explosives" the first sentences read:

''I don't regret setting bombs,'' Bill Ayers said. ''I feel we didn't do enough.''

Barack Obama launched his political career in Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn’s living room. Dohrn herself played a part in a failed 1981 Brinks armored car robbery that saw two guards killed and a policeman injured. This was a joint operation between Ayers’ Weather Underground and the Black Liberation Army. Two ultra-violent Marxist groups that terrorized America for over a decade. An account of the robbery can be read here.

Now at the time Sarah Palin started slamming Obama over his ties to murdering domestic terrorists, he kept brushing it off as nothing. Saying that he barely knew Ayers, a total lie, as he sat on two boards founded by Ayers, and helped distribute million of dollars to radical hate groups like ACORN.

When that ploy didn’t work, Obama’s handlers insisted Obama was "only 8" when this all happened. Another lie, as Obama would have been about 20 when Dohrn was part of the Brinks robbery. And again, as late as the very day America experienced her worst attack in history, Ayers was completely unrepentant for his time as a murdering terrorist.

As people look more and more into all of the radical America hating Marxists that surround Obama, we learn more and more about just how dangerous he is.

Glenn Beck has been doing yeoman’s work in flushing out all of Obama’s unconstitutional Czars that he has appointed to what amounts to a shadow government, that has totally usurped our Constitution, by going around the Senate’s duty of advise and consent.

Adolf Hitler used a similar ploy in Nazi Germany. In fact, after he was elected, Hitler only convened his cabinet one time.

The latest shocker is Jeff Jones. Jones was the co-founder of the violent radical terrorist group Weather Underground with Bill Ayers. Jones has much blood on his hands, and yet, he is part of the Apollo Group founded by Van Jones, no relation, a self proclaimed communist!

The Apollo Group, under Jeff and Van Jones’ direction, basically wrote Barack Obama’s stimulus bill. You know, the one that absolutely no one in Congress read, but Obama swore that if it wasn’t passed immediately, the world would end. Then, after it passed, he took a three day vacation before signing it. So far, this stimulus has been a total disaster.

Now, Van Jones is Obama’s "green jobs" Czar. He is also the man behind the failed boycott attempt on Glenn Beck’s Fox News show.

For a truly frightening look at Jeff Jones and the ties of this violent domestic terrorist, and others to Barack Obama, please check out the video here.

People like Jeff Jones, the violent domestic terrorist, and Van Jones, a self described radical communist, now Obama’s "green jobs" Czar, have infiltrated the so called environmental movement. We have said for years that the agenda of the greens has absolutely nothing to do with the environment, and is all about implementing communist control over America, and other free nations. It’s all about taking away personal liberty and freedom. These newest findings certainly enhance that observation.

Here is Glenn Beck and Michelle Malkin talking about Van Jones and the radicalism he is tied into:

All of these violent domestic terrorists, communists, and other societal malcontents seem to have gravitated towards the Marxist organization called the Apollo Alliance. This is another shadowy and dangerous group.

The names tied to this group will make you shudder.

The website RBO has a good amount of background information on the Apollo Alliance that you can read here.

Just as Barack Obama was marinated in hatred of America by his childhood mentor, communist Frank Marshall Davis, and his hateful preacher, Reverend Jeremiah "Goddamn America" Wright. So were many of Obama’s advisors marinated in the hate and violence of radical communists like Bill Ayers and Jeff Jones.

The Worldview Times has put together a nice little collage of the Marist hatemongers who "nurtured" people like Van Jones. This is well worth taking the time to read and digest.

Here’s the real issue folks, what we are witnessing is a good, old fashioned coup d'etat by a group of dedicated communists who have planned this since the 1960's, if not before.

Obama has totally usurped the United States Constitution. By appointing these Czars, well over 30 now, he has bypassed the Senate which has the Constitutional duty of advise and consent. Does anyone think, even with the radical left wing in control of Congress, that murdering terrorists and admitted communists with ties to the murdering terrorists would be confirmed?

Indeed, this is a bloodless (so far) coup d'etat that Obama has engineered. And with a radical rubber stamp Congress, there is little to stop him. The Republican party is completely out of power. They can do little but protest. (And yet Obama keeps blaming them for everything!)

These murdering terrorists like Bill Ayers and Jeff Jones have joined forces with radical communists like Van Jones. They have in turn joined with criminal organizations like ACORN, and it’s sister organization, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) that Obama has used as his personal goon squad to go out and attack Americans who disagree with his radical and dangerous agenda.

This might be a good time to remind the reader that Obama worked for ACORN. His job was to train the street thugs in the finer points of communist Saul Alinsky’s "Rules For Radicals." a book that Alinksy dedicated to Lucifer (the devil) who he called "the first radical."

You see, this is what Obama is. He is a radical. He’s dangerous.

Dr Stanley Kurtz a Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center has written extensively about Obama’s life and radical associations. This stuff was out there before the election, but few took the time to read this. If they had, we wouldn’t be in this mess we are in now. We wouldn’t have this America hating communist in the White House!

Please take the time to read Dr Kurtz’s articles on Obama. This is must know information that you can see here.

As I have said many times, it is time for America to choose. We now understand that 52 percent of the voters made a disastrous mistake last November. They have elected a truly dangerous man. A man who was raised almost from birth to hate the America you and I grew up in. This man, Obama, is a racist, who sat for 20 years in a hate filled "church" where Black Liberation Theology (another Alinsky creation) was preached at the top of the good Reverend Wright’s lungs.

So what can we do?

Well, we must dedicate ourselves to stopping this man. We must engage. We must demand that our elected representatives oppose every communistic plan Obama and his thugs propose. We must get involved in the political process and make sure we defeat anyone who either supports Obama, or in the case of squishy Republicans, enables him.

We need to get out and work as hard as possible to elect good, solid conservatives who actually believe that America is great, and support the Constitution. We must stop supporting and electing democrats and squishy "moderate" Republicans, who just as soon lay down for the communists, rather than fight them.

We must keep the pressure on at the townhalls and at the tea parties across America. We must realize, and understand that we are in the fight of our lives here. We are fighting for the very existence of America. For her very soul.

In the end, we will either be victorious, and save America, restoring the rule of law, and the Constitution, or America will fall into the depths of communist hell. America’s shining light of freedom, a light that has inspired the entire world for 233 years, will go dark forever.

It really is that simple.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Barack Obama Sends Out Union Thugs To Attack Sarah Palin

You would think Barack Obama would have learned his lesson after his Alaska Mafia was unable to deter Sarah Palin, despite filing over 20 bogus "ethics complaints" all of which were dismissed as nonsense.

You see, instead of stopping Sarah Palin, Obama only caused Sarah Palin to turn over the power in Alaska to her trusted Lt Governor, who is following her agenda completely. And now Sarah has turned her attention to Barack Obama. As we have written before, the hunted is now the hunter.

Palin, an unconventional politician, has used her power to completely destroy Obama’s credibility in the health care debate. She wrote two short paragraphs on her Facebook page, and sent the democrat/communist party scrambling.

Contained within those two paragraphs were the words "death panels." Now, folks with common sense understood that Sarah was talking about the entire bill, which contains all sorts of provisions that will lead to health care rationing, and set up panels of "experts" that will decide who will get what kind of care. These are indeed "death panels" by any name you wish to officially call them.

Sarah Palin spoke at length in several of her hard hitting Facebook "op-eds," which received international coverage, of a Dr Ezekiel Emanuel. Dr Zeke is the brother of Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel. Dr Zeke is as close to Dr Joseph Mengele as we will ever see in the United States (hopefully)

Dr Zeke is really Dr Death. He has written that the elderly and the disabled do not deserve health care treatment at the same level as "productive citizens." In 1996 Dr. Death wrote this:

"This civic republican or deliberative democratic conception of the good provides both procedural and substantive insights for developing a just allocation of health care resources. Procedurally, it suggests the need for public forums to deliberate about which health services should be considered basic and should be socially guaranteed. Substantively, it suggests services that promote the continuation of the polity-those that ensure healthy future generations, ensure development of practical reasoning skills, and ensure full and active participation by citizens in public deliberations-are to be socially guaranteed as basic. Conversely, services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia. A less obvious example is guaranteeing neuropsychological services to ensure children with learning disabilities can read and learn to reason."

Sounds like something right out of Nazi Germany, huh?

Kim Priestap writes more that you can read here.

The New York Post wrote about Dr Death as well in a story entitled "Deadly Doctors" that you can read here.

One of the things discussed is how Dr. Death defends his insane ideas by saying this:

"Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious discrimination; every person lives through different life stages rather than being a single age. Even if 25-year-olds receive priority over 65-year-olds, everyone who is 65 years now was previously 25 years"

Now seriously, when you read this, do you think of a doctor, or some truly mad individual? Do you think this man should have the ear of the President of the United States, or should he be receiving some sort of inpatient mental health care?

Well, sadly, this guy, Dr Death, has the ear of the President of the United States.

And let's not forget the infamous VA "death book" that came in to being during the Clinton administration. President Bush suspended it's use, and now Obama has brought it back. You can read the book here.

Now Sarah Palin talked at length about all of this. We’ve talked at length about this. These are Dr Death’s own words.

But, in an attempt to silence all dissent, Barack Obama’s newest tactic is to send out the union thugs to attack people.

We’ve already seen the thugs from the Service Employees International Union, SEIU, a union that shares offices with and was founded by ACORN’s founders, attack peaceful citizens who disagree, at several townhall meetings. So it is no surprise that Obama’s union buddies would now try and attack Sarah Palin, the strongest voice in America against Obama.

Now it was Obama’s attempts at destroying Sarah Palin in Alaska that has caused his current situation with her. Sarah was very contented to go home to Alaska after the election, and govern, but Obama, sensing he had a serious competitor for America’s attention, and having marinated in Chicago thug politics, he thought he could take her down.

All I can say is he made an ever so slight miscalculation!

This is Sarah Palin we are talking about, not some two bit Chicago pol. Palin has had a lot more impressive figures attempt to intimidate her than Barack Obama! Just ask all of those from the Frank Murkowski administration that were taken down by Sarah, after her attempts to reform The AOGCC were stalled! Sarah Palin "quit" her powerful post, and took down all of Murkowski’s Republican "good old boy" network.

So who is this union thug group that wants to attack Sarah and how are they gonna do it?

Well, this group is called Americans United For Change. They are a 501c(4) "social welfare organization."

Now as our friends at Palination point out that while a 501c(4) "charity" may indeed participate in politics, so long as it is not their only activity. Well, as you can see from their website, Americans United For Change is only involved in politics, and nothing else!


Now this group that is likely running afoul of the IRS tax code, is basically using Sarah Palin as a fund raising tool. And they plan on attacking her, and her over 800,000 Facebook followers, by running ads, on Facebook as well as the internet.

So again, who are these people?

Well, the acting director is Tom McMahon. McMahon is the former Executive Director for the Democrat national Committee.

McMahon is in this position because the previous director Brad Woodhouse is now communications director for the Democratic National Committee. He was once communications director for USAction and also helped run Americans Against Escalation in Iraq.

Woodhouse is also a former lobbyist for the George Soros funded

Speaking of Soros, you should know that he helps fund Americans United For Change through his group! Others who fund this group are the SEIU, and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees.

So really, my big question is how these union thugs can get away with seemingly violating the tax code? Sounds like something our fine folks in Congress should look at, huh?

What’s amazing, is all of the democrat/communists keep telling us that Sarah Palin is irrelevant. That she is just a distraction. When this fails, of course, as all democrat/communists are want to do, they throw out the insults. You’ve all heard ‘em. It’s all they got.

If Sarah Palin is so inconsequential, why does this union thug group see the need to run ads attacking her?

If Sarah Palin is so inconsequential, why is she stuck permanently in Barack Obama’s head? I mean he can’t stop talking about "death panels!" He can’t stop thinking about Sarah Palin!

It’s because she is not inconsequential. It’s because Sarah Palin is one of the few national leaders who can cut through the shuck and jive, and simply, concisely, distill it all down to simple terms that make sense. Sarah Palin is a no nonsense leader who has the ability to understand complicated issues and frame them in a way that they average man on the street can relate to, and appreciate.

And unlike most of our so-called leaders, Sarah Palin is not afraid to fight for America, to fight for freedom, to fight for liberty!

Like every other attack on Sarah Palin by Barack Obama and his thugs, this will backfire! The bloom is off the rose on Obama, America sees him for the empty suit, dysfunctional man that he is. Obama’s inability to lead is on daily display for all to see. The American people have lost all confidence in him. So attacking his rivals is only going to make him look even more desperate, and weak.

Now is the time for all good Americans to stand up to Obama and his thugs, and take our nation back. Get it back on track to prosperity. Regain our personal freedoms and liberty, and stop the insane growth of government.

Now is the time to stand up and let Obama and the democrat/communists know that their ideas are insane, and they will not be allowed to destroy America, the greatest nation this world has ever known!

Now is the time to be silent no more!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Texas Governor Rick Perry: Sarah Palin Is The Face Of America

In a recent wide ranging Wall Street Journal interview with Texas Governor Rick Perry, in which Perry spoke of the need for solid fiscal conservatism in America, he talked about Alaska’s Governor Sarah Palin.

Governor Perry slammed the "mushy, middle of the road" Republicans, what we here call squishes, and spoke of the need for solid conservative principles, like he and Sarah Palin possess, saying this:

"You may elect me if I am pro-life. You may elect me if I'm pro-family values. But you probably will not elect me if I'm not a proven fiscal conservative."

When it came to Sarah Palin, Governor Perry was very adamant about his admiration for the Arctic Fox:

"I love Sarah Palin, I love her positions, I think she was a good governor. . . . I want her to be engaged in this rebuilding of the Republican Party. . . . She is substantially more the face of this country than some other people who might want to be the face of the Republican Party. To me she's the face of America. I mean she's a hard worker, she didn't come from money, she didn't come from privilege, she just worked hard. . . . I have not seen another person who invigorated the Republican base [like she did] with the possible exception of Ronald Reagan in 1976—the speech he made at the Republican Convention. People were looking around and saying, 'we nominated the wrong dude.'"

Obviously, we agree with Governor Perry!

Sarah Palin is the face of America. She is not part of the NYC/D.C. Beltway elite. Sarah is from a normal American family, with the all American story. She is a self made woman, no one gave her a thing. Sarah achieved everything she has set her sights on in office.

Sarah has become a true force in American politics through her own hard work, and incredible skill. She has shown how much gravitas she brings to the national debate in the last few weeks doing no more than posting simple but effective commentary on her Facebook page.

As you know, Rick Perry will be facing a re-election challenge in 2010 from D.C insider and retiring United States Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison. With Perry’s solid record of Reagan conservatism vs Hutchison’s record of squishy RINOism, and her D.C insider mentality, this shouldn’t be much of a contest. As a Texan, I can say absolutely that Rick Perry has been good for Texas!

Sarah Palin has endorsed Governor Perry in his re-election bid.

You can read the full Wall Street Journal interview here.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Alaskan Poet, Musician, And Firefighter Dewey Whetsell Praises Sarah Palin

Dewey Whetsell a longtime commercial fisherman, veteran fire fighter and fire chief, jazz musician, and poet from Alaska penned a very nice retort to all of those who would say Sarah Palin isn't the real deal, a true leader.

Those who follow Alaska politics know these stories well, but the rest of America should understand this as well.

You can check out Dewey Whetsell's website here, the man has a very interesting life's story.

Here is Dewey's letter:

"The last 45 of my 66 years I've spent in a commercial fishing town in Alaska. I understand Alaska politics but never understood national politics well until this last year. Here's the breaking point: Neither side of the Palin controversy gets It's not about persona, style, rhetoric, its about doing things. Even Palin supporters never mention the things that I'm about to mention here.

1- Democrats forget when Palin was the Darling of the Democrats, because as soon as Palin took the Governors office away from a fellow Republican and tough SOB, Frank Murkowski, she tore into the Republicans Corrupt Bastards Club (CBC) and sent them packing. Many of them are now residing in State housing and wearing orange jump suits. The Democrats reacted by skipping around the yard, throwing confetti and singing la la la la (well, you know how they are). Name another governor in this country that has ever done anything similar. But while you're thinking, I'll continue.

2- Now with the CBC gone, there were fewer Alaskan politicians to protect the huge, giant oil companies here. So, she constructed and enacted a new system of splitting the oil profits called ACES. Exxon (the biggest corporation in the world) protested and Sarah told them don't let the door hit you in the stern on your way out. They stayed, and Alaska residents went from being merely wealthy to being filthy rich. Of course the other huge international oil companies meekly fell in line. Again, give me the name of any other governor in the country that has done anything similar.

3- The other thing she did when she walked into the governors office is she got the list of State requests for federal funding for projects, known as pork. She went through the list, took 85% of them and placed them in the when-hell-freezes-over stack. She let locals know that if we need something built, well pay for it ourselves. Maybe she figured she could use the money she got from selling the previous governors jet because it was extravagant. Maybe she could use the money she saved by dismissing the governor's cook (remarking that she could cook for her own family), giving back the State vehicle issued to her, maintaining that she already had a car, and dismissing her State provided security force (never mentioning, I imagine, that she's packing heat herself). I'm still waiting to hear the names of those other governors.

4- Now, even with her much-ridiculed gosh and golly mannerism, she also managed to put together a totally new approach to getting a natural gas pipeline built which will be the biggest private construction project in the history of North America. No one else could do it although they tried. If that doesn't impress you, then you're trying too hard to be unimpressed while watching her do things like this while baking up a batch of brownies with her other hand.

5- For 30 years, Exxon held a lease to do exploratory drilling at a place called Point Thompson. They made excuses the entire time why they couldn't start drilling. In truth they were holding it like an investment. No governor for 30 years could make them get started. This summer, she told them she was revoking their lease and kicking them out. They protested and threatened court action. She shrugged and reminded them that she knew the way to the court house. Alaska won again.

6- President Obama wants the nation to be on 25% renewable resources for electricity by 2025. Sarah went to the legislature and submitted her plan for Alaska to be at 50% renewables by 2025. We are already at 25%. I can give you more specifics about things done, as opposed to style and persona . Everybody wants to be cool, sound cool, look cool. But that’s just a cover-up. I'm still waiting to hear from liberals the names of other governors who can match what mine has done in two and a half years. I wont be holding my breath.

By the way, she was content to to return to AK after the national election and go to work, but the haters wouldn't let her. Now these adolescent screechers are obviously not scuba divers. And no one ever told them what happens when you continually jab and pester a barracuda. Without warning, it will spin around and tear your face off. Shoulda known better.

As we have been saying for a long time, Sarah Palin was an incredibly effective Governor, and a true servant of the people. The kind of woman who isn't afraid of whatever challenge that faces her. As she has shown in the past few weeks, she is more than ready to take on big government, like she has big oil. And if Sarah Palin could tame Exxon-Mobil, I'm sure she will make quick work of D.C.!

BTW, even though she has given Exxon-Mobil absolute fits, they were more than happy to sign on as a partner in the Trans-Canada natural gas pipeline, her crowning achievement as Governor, that Dewey mentions in his letter.

People, like myself, who have followed Sarah for some time, understand the greatness of this woman. Sarah Palin is an American leader who has what is sorely needed today: The ability to get things done, good things for the people.

As it's Saturday, I'll leave you with this awesome video:

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sarah Palin To Barack Obama: No Health Care Reform Without Legal Reform.

Sarah Palin has just hit on the one issue Obama and his death cult do not want to discuss, and that is tort reform. Out of control lawsuits, sky high malpractice insurance, and doctors running more tests than needed, just to cover their tails, is all part of the single largest expense in American health care that can easily be remedied.

Tort reform is key. To "fix" healthcare, without major tort reform, would be like going in to do open heart surgery on someone, but not actually working on the heart!

We all know the stories of the trial lawyers who have gotten rich with bogus lawsuits. One of the most egregious practitioners of these phony baloney lawsuits is newly minted baby daddy John Edwards. Edwards became a multi-millionaire ambulance chaser by specializing in suing on behalf of children with cerebral palsy.

Edwards, a shyster deluxe, even went so far to "channel" unborn babies during his courtroom antics. Thanks to this one unscrupulous attorney, malpractice insurance went through the roof, many doctors quit their specialties, or went bankrupt.

But even worse, cases of cesarean birth dramatically increased, as Edwards used his greed, and junk science to convince people that natural childbirth was the culprit and cause of all of these cases of cerebral palsy.

Now besides the extra costs involved, having a cesarean birth is dangerous for the mother, as infections can easily set in, and of course, recovery is longer. But who cares, John Edwards sure has a nice house, doesn’t he!

This is just one guy who cost hospitals, doctors, and insurance companies hundreds of millions of dollars during his career. There are lawyers like him all over the country just waiting for their next payday.

Turn on the television. If you watch for any length of time, you will see dozens of ads from big law firms actively seeking defendants for all sorts of cases. Not saying all of them are bogus, but when you see people resorting to advertising nationally for victims, you have to wonder just how big the problem truly is or isn’t, and conclude it’s all about the Benjamins!

Of course, another issue people overlook in this, is the fact that lawyers are so busy chasing high profile, big paydays, that many cases that are real get shoved aside because they won’t make the attorney a huge payday. Small cases don’t add a new wing to the family compound!

As a Texan, I can say that tort reform works. Texas passed major tort reform years ago, capping damages one could get for "pain and suffering." They also beefed the medical boards to investigate doctors suspected of having issues.

The result? As Sarah points out, thousands of doctors have moved to Texas. This has had a huge impact, especially in rural areas. Where there were once shortages of doctors, now there is coverage.

I live in a hospital town, we are home to a hospital that started out in a log cabin, which is still on the grounds, that has grown into a regional system of hospitals and clinics, and even has it’s own health care insurance plan.

Seeing a doctor here is an easy, very friendly process. Even though the complex is huge, the effort is to make sure every patient has their own regular doctor who is able to meet their needs. Very user friendly.

It is also a teaching hospital and is part of the Texas A&M system.

This is what happens when government is responsible, then gets out of the way.

I agree with Sarah Palin 100% on tort reform. For Barack Obama and the rest of his communist party to talk about "health care reform" without tort reform is beyond ridiculous, and it borders on criminal.

Of course, we all know that actually "reforming" health care is the last thing on these people’s minds. This is all a big power grab, and an attempt to completely usurp the Constitution of the United States. Anyone who has actually read HR 3200 knows that monstrosity is nothing more than a gateway to a complete communist state. It is a liberty and freedom stealing document that needs to be burned!

Lets get serious and get behind Sarah Palin. No tort reform, no health care bill.

Here is Sarah’s statement from Facebook:

No Health Care Reform Without Legal Reform:

President Obama's health care "reform" plan has met with significant criticism across the country. Many Americans want change and reform in our current health care system. We recognize that while we have the greatest medical care in the world, there are major problems that we must face, especially in terms of reining in costs and allowing care to be affordable for all. However, as we have seen, current plans being pushed by the Democratic leadership represent change that may not be what we had in mind -- change which poses serious ethical concerns over the government having control over our families’ health care decisions. In addition, the current plans greatly increase costs of health care, while doing lip service toward controlling costs.

We need to address a REAL bipartisan reform proposition that will have REAL impacts on costs, and quality of patient care.

As Governor of Alaska, I learned a little bit about being a target for frivolous suits and complaints (Please, do I really need to footnote that?). I went my whole life without needing a lawyer on speed-dial, but all that changes when you become a target for opportunists and people with no scruples. Our nation’s health care providers have been the targets of similar opportunists for years, and they too have found themselves subjected to false, frivolous, and baseless claims. To quote a former president, "I feel your pain."

So what can we do? First, we cannot have health care reform without tort reform. The two are intertwined. For example, one supposed justification for socialized medicine is the high cost of health care. As Dr. Scott Gottlieb recently noted, "If Mr. Obama is serious about lowering costs, he'll need to reform the economic structures in medicine—especially programs like Medicare." [1] Two examples of these "economic structures" are high malpractice insurance premiums foisted on physicians (and ultimately passed on to consumers as "high health care costs") and the billions wasted on defensive medicine.

Dr. Stuart Weinstein, with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, recently explained the problem:

"The medical liability crisis has had many unintended consequences, most notably a decrease in access to care in a growing number of states and an increase in healthcare costs.

Access is affected as physicians move their practices to states with lower liability rates and change their practice patterns to reduce or eliminate high-risk services. When one considers that half of all neurosurgeons—as well as one third of all orthopedic surgeons, one third of all emergency physicians, and one third of all trauma surgeons—are sued each year, is it any wonder that 70 percent of emergency departments are at risk because they lack available on-call specialist coverage?" [2]

Dr. Weinstein makes good points, points completely ignored by President Obama. Dr. Weinstein details the costs that our out-of-control tort system are causing the health care industry and notes research that "found that liability reforms could reduce defensive medicine practices, leading to a 5 percent to 9 percent reduction in medical expenditures without any effect on mortality or medical complications." Dr. Weinstein writes:

"If the Kessler and McClellan estimates were applied to total U.S. healthcare spending in 2005, the defensive medicine costs would total between $100 billion and $178 billion per year. Add to this the cost of defending malpractice cases, paying compensation, and covering additional administrative costs (a total of $29.4 billion). Thus, the average American family pays an additional $1,700 to $2,000 per year in healthcare costs simply to cover the costs of defensive medicine.

Excessive litigation and waste in the nation’s current tort system imposes an estimated yearly tort tax of $9,827 for a family of four and increases healthcare spending in the United States by $124 billion. How does this translate to individuals? The average obstetrician-gynecologist (OB-GYN) delivers 100 babies per year. If that OB-GYN must pay a medical liability premium of $200,000 each year (which is the rate in Florida), $2,000 of the delivery cost for each baby goes to pay the cost of the medical liability premium." [3]

You would think that any effort to reform our health care system would include tort reform, especially if the stated purpose for Obama’s plan to nationalize our health care industry is the current high costs.

So I have new questions for the president: Why no legal reform? Why continue to encourage defensive medicine that wastes billions of dollars and does nothing for the patients? Do you want healthcare reform to benefit trial attorneys or patients?

Many states, including my own state of Alaska, have enacted caps on lawsuit awards against health care providers. Texas enacted caps and found that one county’s medical malpractice claims dropped 41 percent, and another study found a "55 percent decline" after reform measures were passed. [4] That’s one step in health care reform. Limiting lawyer contingency fees, as is done under the Federal Tort Claims Act, is another step.

The State of Alaska pioneered the "loser pays" rule in the United States, which deters frivolous civil law suits by making the loser partially pay the winner’s legal bills. Preventing quack doctors from giving "expert" testimony in court against real doctors is another reform.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry noted that, after his state enacted tort reform measures, the number of doctors applying to practice medicine in Texas "skyrocketed by 57 percent" and that the tort reforms "brought critical specialties to underserved areas." These are real reforms that actually improve access to health care. [5]

Dr. Weinstein’s research shows that around $200 billion per year could be saved with legal reform. That’s real savings. That’s money that could be used to build roads, schools, or hospitals.

If you want to save health care, let’s listen to our doctors too. There should be no health care reform without legal reform. There can be no true health care reform without legal reform.

- Sarah Palin

[1] See

[2] See

[3] Id.

[4] See

[5] See