Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sarah Palin: For The Tea Party, November 2nd Is Just The Beginning. This Is The Reawakening Of America

Tuesday night Greta aired the second part of a two part interview with Sarah Palin. You can view part one, if you missed it, here.

Sarah Palin has thrown down the gauntlet to the Republican elites as well as the radical left. Like the Tea Party itself, Sarah is telling the establishment, in BOTH parties that it's over. Business as usual isn't cutting it, and simply will not be allowed to continue.

Anyone who has been paying attention knows the Tea Party is about throwing the bums out. On the Republican side so-called "moderate" (code for far left) candidates are being unceremoniously shown the door by common sense conservatives backed by Tea Party Patriots.

The Tea Party is backing solid common sense candidates against the radical left Marxist-democrats in anticipation of what should be a bloodbath for the radicals come November. The thrashing the Marxist-democrat party is about to experience is like nothing seen before in the history of our Republic.

The next Congress will be decidedly more representative of the American people. That is when the real change begins. That's when the restoration of America as a Constitutional, Representative Republic, based on the Rule of Law begins.

Sarah, like a lot of us see the Tea Party, not as a political party, a "third party" per se, but more of a watchdog. A permanent watchdog movement that will forever hold the politicians who work for us accountable. As Sarah herself says: "The Tea Party Is The Future Of American Politics"

A whole lot of useless, corrupt, congresscritters, in both parties, are going to get fired in November. That is just the start. A lot of the elites think after November has come and gone, the Tea Party Patriots will just go home, and the elites will be able to go back doing what they have always done. They are in for a rude awakening.

In November we will hire a whole new Congress. We will expect them to live up to American values and follow the Constitution. If they can't get this done, guess what, come 2012, we'll fire them too, and find someone else to take THEIR place.

It really is that simple.

It's become abundantly clear that Sarah Palin is going to run for President in 2012. You listen to her words. She, like most of us, is sick of the establishment, the elites, the Ruling Class. Sarah has no problem calling these people out, especially those in her own party.

The left and the media (OK, same thing, I know) have worked overtime to create a caricature of Sarah as some sort of far right ideologue, a hyper-partisan politician. This, of course, is wrong.

One of the things that made Sarah Palin one of the most successful Governors in the nation was her desire to do what was right, not what was good for the party. In fact, I think one could say Sarah has a healthy disdain for both parties. She certainly has no problem taking bad actors in either party to the woodshed when needed. She also had no problem working when anyone, so long as it was good for Alaska. The party affiliation of who she worked with meant little to her.

We all know why the left hates her. Sarah Palin is the most articulate spokesmen for American values and American exceptionalism since Ronald Reagan. Sarah loves this country and believes in this country. She believes in the greatness of the American people. Sarah represents everything the left hates.

Having Sarah Palin as the Republican nominee in 2012 would mean the American people will have a clear choice of good vs evil at the ballot box, not the "lesser of two evils" we are usually treated to. It most certainly won't be Marxist-democrat vs Marxist-democrat light as is the norm.

This, BTW, is why elements in the Republican Party, the elites, work so hard behind the scenes to discredit Sarah. To dismiss her. The go along, get along "moderates" who are little more than enablers for the Communist left, have no place in Sarah Palin’s Republican Party, and they know it. Sarah Palin is a tough, strong woman. She has the ability and desire to finish what Ronald Reagan started.

Now, how do I know Sarah Palin is running for President? It's as plain as the nose on your face. Sarah is doing exactly what she did in Alaska before she ran for Governor, and defeated the Republican incumbent, Frank Murkowski.

As you know, Sarah, as the top energy and environmental regulator in Alaska, uncovered massive corruption in and out of Government, with much of it tied to Murkowski. Unable to do anything, as Murkowski was protecting his people, Sarah resigned, and with the threat of prison coming from Alaska's Attorney General if she blew the whistle, did just that. Sarah blew the whistle on all of these people, and helped some of them find their way to the federal prison system.

This is basically what Sarah is doing now, on a much grander scale. Taking down a bunch of rough and corrupt "good old boys" was just a dress rehearsal for what she is doing to the dysfunctional Republican Party all across the country, and about to do to the Marxist-democrat party.

With roughly 2 years to go, even the time line is about the same as it was up in Alaska.

Sarah has been building a network of solid common sense conservative men and women nationwide who will be there to help her govern this nation and restore our Republic.

Sarah is making sure that when she takes office in 2013 she will have a solid team and be able to hit the ground running.

Video courtesy of PalinTV

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