Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Obama Has Lost The World: Why We Need Sarah Palin

Liberal pundits mock the rough and ready style of conservatives like Reagan, Bush or Palin in world affairs, but what they fail to realize is that the over-educated naivete, trendy cosmopolitanism and buzzword rich approach of a Kerry or Obama come off as laughably pathetic on the world stage. Republicans might be hated, but they can’t be ignored. Democrats on the other hand are catspaws and pawns, fools who are so sure of their cleverness and determined to embrace every culture in the way that only the graduates of Ivy League institutions can, that any Third World vendor could twirl them around his fingers.

~ Daniel Greenfield

Writing for Eurasia Review, Daniel Greenfield has written an absolutely devastating take on Barack Obama's inability to lead and his status as a joke on the worldwide. Greenfield also points to Sarah Palin, along with Presidents George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan as the sort of tough leaders who garners respect on the world stage.

Greenfield is a columnist born in Israel and currently living in New York City. He is a contributing editor at Family Security Matters and writes a daily blog column on Islamic Terrorism, Israeli and American politics and Europe's own clash of civilizations which can be found at

Here's a taste of what he has to say:

After the 2010 elections, it’s not exactly news that Obama has lost America. But in a less public referendum, he also lost the world. Obama’s cocktail party tour of the world’s capitals may look impressive on a map, but is irrelevant on a policy level. In less than two years, the White House has gone from being the center of world leadership to being irrelevant, from protecting world freedom to serving as a global party planning committee.

Even the Bush Administration’s harshest critics could never have credibly claimed that George W. Bush was irrelevant. He might have been hated, pilloried and shouted about– but he couldn’t be ignored. However Obama can be safely ignored. Invited to parties, given the chance to show off his cosmopolitan sophisticated by reciting one or two words in the local lingo, read off a teleprompter, along with some cant about the need for everyone to pull together and make the world a better place, and then dismissed for the rest of the evening.

As a world leader, he makes a passable party guest. He has a broad smile, brings along his own gifts and is famous in the way that celebrities, rather than prime ministers and presidents are famous. On an invitation list, he is more Bono than Sarkozy, Leonardo DiCaprio not Putin. You don’t invite him to talk turkey, not even on Thanksgiving. He’s just one of those famous people with a passing interest in politics who gets good media attention, but who has nothing worthwhile to say.

The only countries who take Obama seriously, are the ones who have to. The leaders of Great Britain, Israel and Japan– who have tied their countries to an enduring alliance with America based on mutual interests and values, only to discover that the latest fellow to sit behind the Oval Office desk no longer shares those values and couldn’t give less of a damn about American interests. It’s no wonder that European leaders ignore him as much as possible. Or that Netanyahu visited America, while Obama was abroad. Or that Japanese politics have become dangerously unstable.

On the enemy side, the growing aggressiveness of China, North Korea, Iran, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda can all be attributed to the global consensus that no one is at home in the White House.And if no one is at home in the White House, then that’s a perfect time to slap the big boy around the yard. China is doing it economically, the rest are doing it militarily. They’re all on board with Obama’s Post-American vision of the world. But unlike him and most liberals, they have a clear understanding of what that means. The America of some years back, which actually intimidated Libyan dictator Khaddafi into giving up his nuclear program, without lifting a hand against him is long gone. So is the Cedar Revolution. Syria and Iran are back in charge in Lebanon. And in Afghanistan, the Taliban are laughing at our soft power outreach efforts.

Obama’s soft power approach emphasizes the ‘soft’ and forgets the ‘power’. It neglects even Clinton era understandings about the role of America in the world, and reverts instead to a Carter era sense of guilt that bleeds into hostility toward American interests and allies. While the rest of the world puts their own interests first, they act like a cog in some imaginary global community, turning and turning toward the distant horizon of international brotherhood. While China, Russia and most of the world walk down their backs and up their jellyfish spines, laughing all the way. And America’s allies gird themselves and prepare for the worst.

There is much, much more here.

Greenfield is spot on. Obama is more like an international jet-setting "playboy" than the President of the United States, a position that was also formally known as the Leader of the Free World. Obama is just the opposite. His ideology, a socialist-communist mix that centers around being a victim in need of "social justice" is a poor fit for the position of leader [in any capacity] but most especially the leader of all free peoples.

Obama doesn't even grasp the fundamentals of our own Constitution, one of the most important, and enduring documents ever created. He has professed on may occasions that it is a "flawed document." If this man finds our Constitution, a covenant between the people and government, guaranteeing our God given rights to Liberty and Freedom from an oppressive government, how can he be expected to lead the entire world, standing up for Freedom and Liberty everywhere?

We've talked a lot about Michelle Obama's crusade on fat. The reason being is it is the perfect example of the totalitarianism progressives believe in. The entire progressive philosophy centers around a command and control centralized government that has total domination of it's citizens, down the the most minute levels. It's no wonder Obama seems to identify more with our enemies, who run brutal regimes where their people have absolutely no freedom. They are so close to the progressive utopia that Obama and his fellow travelers envision for America.

We watched in horror as Obama stood by and did nothing while Freedom and Liberty seeking Iranians, finally summoning up the courage to protest their tyrannical and oppressive government, were slaughtered in the streets. After years of President George W Bush telling the Iranian people our quarrel wasn't with them, but with their leaders, and we would support them, when the time came for America to stand with these brave Iranians, Obama hid out, and then when he finally surfaced, he sided with the Iranian regime, not the Freedom and Liberty seeking Iranian people.

It was a pathetic performance by an even more pathetic man.

Sarah Palin has long spoken out about Obama's inability to lead. She talked about this during her Vice Presidential nomination acceptance speech in 2008, and has since written policy papers and op-eds dissecting the Obama foreign policy disaster. What she calls enemy-centric, is quite simply, Obama's want to coddle our enemies, while dismissing our allies worldwide. In my opinion, it's because Obama admires our enemies more than our allies, but that's just me.

Sarah Palin has demonstrated that she knows the difference between friend and foe, and has a solid grasp on how to deal with them. Her latest was taking Obama and most of Congress to task for wanting to sign the START treaty, a horrible document that ties our hands.

Obama and Senate leader Harry Reid jammed that treaty through the advise and consent process without a single hearing or meaningful discussion. It was so "important" that it just HAD to be ratified before Christmas, no matter how terrible it is. We NOW know the Russians are still going through the process of vetting and approving it. Who would have ever thought the Russian Parliament would be more careful and thoughtful about things than the so-called "world's greatest deliberative body" the United States Senate!

Sarah is right, of course. She had been speaking out against START since Obama took office. She was one of the only ones who saw the dangers. As we all know, Sarah, as Governor of Alaska, had the care and feeding of America's missile defense system on her plate. She took the Obama regime on as they tried to gut that system. Some "comedians" make jokes about Sarah and Russia [which she's taken to embracing, just to tweak the libs] but the fact is, Alaska and Russia are incredibly close to one another. The Alaska Territory was actually part of Russia until it was purchased at the urging of Secretary of State William H. Seward in 1867.

The Alaska Air National Guard, of which Sarah Palin was Commander-in-Chief, routinely escorts Russian aircraft out of Alaskan air space. In fact, on Sarah's watch, the 176th Wing received the United States Air Force Outstanding Unit Award for, among other things, maintaining North American air sovereignty and prosecuting 22 Russian bomber intercepts. These would be the Tu-95 "Bear" bombers.

Sarah knows first hand the dangers the United States and our allies face on a daily basis. She also understands the real evil that exists in the world, while Obama and his ilk tend to assign a moral equivalency to it all.

We look around, and Sarah Palin is the only potential presidential candidate that is standing up and speaking out on foreign policy. She's the only one of the bunch who seems to get it. It's not for nothing that Greenfield places her alongside tough leaders like Ronald Reagan and George W Bush, who had solid foreign policy.

Reagan won the cold war without firing a shot. The Soviet Union went bankrupt as they tried to develop countermeasures for a defense project that only existed in Reagan's head!

As Greenfield pointed out, thanks to Bush's no nonsense policy, taking out the leadership in Afghanistan and Iraq, Libya's Khaddafi, a big sponsor of worldwide terror himself, was so afraid he was next, he gave up all of Libya's nuclear weapons without protest. This was the direct result of the U.S. invading both Afghanistan and Iraq.

So far the only thing Obama has managed, is weakening our own nuclear capability, while allowing rogue states like Iran and North Korea to run wild.

Thanks to Obama's lack luster ability, Iran is shipping nuclear capable medium-range missiles to Venezuela. Not only will this destabilize the entire region, these missiles are capable of reaching targets within the United States.

It's the Cuban Missile Crisis on steroids, and we have no indication that the Obama regime is even trying to stop this. Nukes in Venezuela, with a crazed dictator in charge, would be a disaster for the entire world. But Obama's golf game is improving, and really, isn't that all that matters?

Sarah Palin has the temperament, experience, and good old fashioned common sense that we as a nation need in a Commander-in-Chief. Under Obama's inept presidency, exactly like under Carter's, the world has become a much more dangerous place. We needed Ronald Reagan to take charge after Carter. He was the only logical choice for that time. Today we need Sarah Palin to take charge, as she is the only logical choice for our time.

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