Like most Americans, I sat in total disgust last evening as radical communists cheered. The most radical and destructive government ever assembled in this greatest nation on earth voted to destroy it all last night, and then celebrated!
It was vile, it was hateful. It was disgusting, and it was distasteful.
Of course, we knew it was coming. The second voters elected this Marxist Congress way back in 2006 we knew we were in big trouble. And it didn’t take long either. Historically low unemployment and the longest period of economic growth in our nation’s history quickly reversed, and thanks to policies put in by the newly minted democrat Congress, the economy faltered then collapsed. This has resulted in unemployment numbers not seen since the Carter years.
Then in one of the biggest collective mistakes in human history, American voters voted in Barack Obama. The reasons why many voters fell for this Communist’s nonsensical chants of "hope and change" and promises of rainbows and unicorns in a Utopian paradise are unimportant now, as Sarah Palin is fond of saying, they just got snookered!
Palin, and frankly, millions of us regular people, tried to warn America about this un-American Marxist and the destruction he would visit on this nation. We knew about his radical associations and his Marxist upbringing by a mother, father and grandparents who were all active members of the Communist Party. We all knew that Obama’s mentor Frank Marshall Davis was an anti-American communist, so radical he was tossed out of the NAACP!
We all knew that Obama actively sought out other radicals in his college years, as well as later in life. We knew Obama "palled around with" murdering domestic terrorist William Ayers and his convicted cop killer wife, Bernardine Dohrn, who was once on the FBI’s "10 Most Wanted" list. We even knew that Obama’s wife, Michelle, worked with Dohrn in Chicago, and the Obama’s allowed the Ayers/Dohrn combo to babysit their kids!
We all knew about Obama’s radical America hating preacher of 20 plus years, the Reverend Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright. And of course we all came to know all of Wright’s church’s anti-American and anti-Semitic stances, and how Wright and his church cozy up to Hamas. We also learned that "Black Liberation Theology" was nothing more than Marxism, communism, dressed up in a marginally more palatable package.
In other words, we all knew that Obama, from the time he was just an innocent child, a babe in his mother’s arms, was marinated in Marxist ideology and anti-American hatred, as well as anti-Semitism. We knew that Obama was trained from birth, by his America hating kinfolk and all of their friends to be what he is today: A radical Communist dedicated to the complete destruction of our way of life. It’s what he was trained to do. It’s how he was raised and groomed for life.
So.......the events of the past few days come as no shock to Conservatives, we saw this man and his Congress for what was he and they were, from day one.
There is great news though. Thankfully, while Americans may get distracted at times, and not pay attention to thinks of a political nature, at this point, they are fully and completely engaged. Men and women who have never been political in their lives are stepping up and speaking out.
No better example of this was the major protest that took place in Washington Saturday and Sunday, with only 24 hours notice, over 25,000 people rallied to fight against this unconstitutional government take over of 20% of our economy and 100% of our lives.
Do not despair, dear readers, the fight is not over, it’s only just begun. Sarah Palin issued a rallying cry today. A real reminder that we all must take a stand against these radicals and defeat them at every turn and on every level:
Out-of-touch Congress Sounds Our Clarion Call to Take a Stand
Today at 11:03am
We’ve been reminded many times that elections have consequences. Yesterday we saw the consequence of voting for those who believe in "fundamentally transforming" America whether we want it or not. Yesterday they voted. In November, we get to vote. We won’t forget what we saw yesterday. Congress passed a bill while Americans said "no," and thousands of everyday citizens even surrounded the Capitol Building to beg them not to do it. Has there ever been a more obvious exhibition of a detached and imperious government?
In the weeks to come, we can expect them to try to change the subject, but we won’t forget. Don't let them move on to further "transformational" steps while forgetting what Congress just did against the will of the people. Though Obamacare will inflict billions in new taxes on individuals and employers, at least it creates some jobs: the IRS might have to hire as many as 16,000 new employees to enforce all the new taxes and penalties the bill calls for! And that doesn’t include all the other government jobs from the 159 new agencies, panels, commissions and departments this bill will create. As the private sector shrinks, we can count on government to keep growing along with the deficits needed to keep it all afloat. (Is this the kind of "change" Americans asked for?)
In the end, this unsustainable bill jeopardizes the very thing it was supposed to fix – our health care system. Somewhere along the way we forgot that health care reform is about doctors and patients, not the IRS and politicians. Instead of helping doctors with tort reform, this bill has made primary care physicians think about getting out of medicine. It was supposed to make health care more affordable, but our premiums will continue to go up. It was supposed to help more people get coverage, but there will still be 23 million uninsured people by 2019.
Though they’d like us to forget, we will remember the corrupt deals, the corrupt process, the lack of transparency, the deceptive gimmicks to game the CBO score, and the utter disregard for the will of the American people. Elections have consequences, and we won’t forget those who promised to hold firm against government funding of abortion, but caved at the last minute in exchange for a non-binding executive order promised by the most pro-abortion president to ever occupy the White House.
All along we’ve said that we want real health care reform, but this isn’t it. We mustn’t be discouraged now. We must look to November when our goal will be to rebuke big government’s power grab, reject this unwanted "transformation" of America, and repeal dangerous portions of Obamacare that will bury us under more Big Government control.
This is just the beginning of our efforts to take back our country. Consider yesterday’s vote a clarion call and a spur to action. We will not let America sink into further debt without a fight. We will not abandon the American dream to government dependency, fewer freedoms and less opportunity. Change is made at the ballot box. If we work together, we can renew our optimistic pioneering spirit, revive our economy, and restore constitutional limits.
Stand tall, America. November is coming!
- Sarah Palin

I know the communists are out there claiming a great victory, and dismissing all of us, the American people, as sore losers. It would be one thing if the communists achieved victory with great bi-partisan support such as FDR and LBJ had for their disastrous expansions of government, but you see, the American people have learned from experience that huge government entitlements and expansions as those put in place by Roosevelt and Johnson take on a life of their own, and are bankrupting our nation now. They know this ObamaCare fiasco will destroy us all.
Not only was ObamaCare shoved do America’s throat, against the will of the American people, it was done without a single Republican vote, or the vote of many democrats who actually have some sense of the difference between right and wrong, good and evil.
In other words, not only was there no bi-partisanship, the radical communists couldn’t even get all of the members of their own party to go along! In fact, to pass the bill on a pure partisan, party line vote, billions of tax payer dollars YOUR dollars, were spent bribing Senators and congressmen for their votes!
This is the most corrupted process in our nation’s history.
The good news is no one is going to take this lying down. Last night Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott announced he had initiated a conference call with many of the state Attorneys General around the country and they had come to the decision to launch a multi-state lawsuit:
Just got off the AG conference call. We agreed that a multi-state lawsuit would send the strongest signal. We plan to file the moment Obama signs the bill. I anticipate him signing it tomorrow. Check back for an update at that time. I will post a link to the lawsuit when it is filed. It will lay out why the bill is unconstitutional and tramples individual and states rights.
The Washington Post notes this morning that 11 states are prepared to file suit the moment ObamaCare becomes law:
Ten of the attorneys general plan to band together in a collective lawsuit on behalf of Alabama, Florida, Nebraska, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and Washington.
"To protect all Texans' constitutional rights, preserve the constitutional framework intended by our nation's founders, and defend our state from further infringement by the federal government, the State of Texas and other states will legally challenge the federal health care legislation," said Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, in a statement.
The Republican attorney generals say the reforms infringe on state powers under the Constitution's Bill of Rights.
Virginia Attorney General Kenneth Cuccinelli, who plans to file a lawsuit in federal court in Richmond, Virginia, said Congress lacks authority under its constitutional power to regulate interstate commerce to force people to buy insurance. The bill also conflicts with a state law that says Virginians cannot be required to buy insurance, he added.
"If a person decides not to buy health insurance, that person by definition is not engaging in commerce," Cuccinelli said in recorded comments. "If you are not engaging in commerce, how can the federal government regulate you?"
WaPo goes on to note:
In addition to the pending lawsuits, bills and resolutions have been introduced in at least 36 state legislatures seeking to limit or oppose various aspects of the reform plan through laws or state constitutional amendments, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
So far, only two states, Idaho and Virginia, have enacted laws, while an Arizona constitutional amendment is seeking voter approval on the November ballot. But the actual enactment of the bill by President Barack Obama could spur more movement on the measures by state lawmakers.
As you can see, the real fight has just begun. Liberty and freedom are worth fighting for and those who would deny Americans their God given right to their freedom and liberty, as guaranteed by our Constitution, must be defeated and their regimes destroyed.
We are more than up to this fight ladies and gentleman, and more than willing to go the distance, doing what we must to defeat the communists and destroy, once and for all, their ability to poison this nation with their sick ideology.
Sarah Palin is our nation’s moral leader and our inspiration. But she is not alone, patriots across the nation and around the world are rallying to her message of real hope and real change, and are making a difference. Many great voices have emerged and we have found that there are indeed real statesmen and women wondering the halls of Congress.
Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn from Tennessee delivered a very passionate speach from the House floor Sunday night:
Ed Feulner from the Heritage Foundation has a powerful message for the communists and the American people:
House Minority Leader John Boehner pulled no punches and showed us why he is ready to measure for new drapes in the Speaker’s office!
The communist party passed ObamaCare.... just barely...by using every parliamentary trick they could muster, Bernie Madoff style accounting, bribes and threats. They did this against the will of the American people. For this they will pay and pay big.
As longtime democrat pollster and adviser Pat Caddell said, this is a "political Jonestown," mass political suicide for the democrat party. And as someone who used to work Jimmy Carter, Caddell knows an epic political disaster when he sees it!
The communists who have taken over the democrat party have awakened a sleeping giant. More than anytime in our nation’s history, the citizens are awake, aware, and engaged.
We have one message for Obama and the communists, November is coming.
WE are coming!
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