You know, journalism died a long time ago, so I guess this shouldn’t even surprise anyone that the liberal state controlled media, who are basically stenographers for the Obama administration, would under report this event by oh, almost two million!
What grew out of a simple love for our nation, and inspiration from Fox News’ Glenn Beck, has turned into a serious movement that has been gaining steam since the concept was first announced by Glenn on his Fox News show in March of this year.

As Beck put it, he remembered how united America was on September 12, 2001, the day after the worst attacks on American soil. How we put aside all of our differences and came together as one nation, with one purpose.
Sadly, that feeling is gone. Battle lines have been drawn, and America has become more divided than at anytime any of us have ever seen. Of course, what has once divided us, thanks to the communist ideals of Barack Obama and the democrat/communist party, is now bringing us back together. I guess you could say Barack Obama is the "Great Uniter" just not in the way he had hoped!
With the feeling of those first days after 9/11, Glenn launched the 9/12 Project, along with a set of common sense principles that we need to follow for the nation to survive. Saturday was the culmination of that idea, and those ideals. And by any account, the 9/12 rallies were a rousing success. Not only were there as many as two million in D.C., but numerous cities in every state also held 9/12 and Tea Party protests.

Of course, since this makes Obama look just as bad as he truly is, the media is working overtime to cover the truth up. The state controlled media worked overtime to elect Obama, and sold their credibility forevermore down the road to get their man in office. They went all in on Obama, the worst bet in history.

Now full disclosure, I was not in D.C. but having looked at the various reports, tweets from rally goers, and photos, it is definitely my opinion that while the two million number may be a tad high, it’s certainly not a wild guess.
I also base this on a lifetime of attending large events as a drag racer, and enthusiast. I’ve been to many events with one day crowds in the tens of thousands, the size the Obama media is reporting, including a track attendance record setting event at Houston Raceway Park a few years back, when over 53,000 poured into a track with seating for 40,000. That was nothing compared to D.C. crowds.
Same goes for Texas Motor Speedway, in Ft Worth, Texas. The track seats roughly 200,000 people. That’s a lot of folks, but not as large as the D.C. Crowds. Take a look at this photo taken by Mary Katharine Ham:

Actually the first hint of a huge crowd didn’t come from the protesters, or the media, but from a memo written by a panic stricken top House democrat/communist aide to other aides, as well as liberal/communist activists, as reported by Gary Sargent on his Plum Line blog:
A top House Dem leadership aide has emailed a memo to Dem aides on the Hill and outside liberal groups warning they should brace for a turnout of up to two million people, suggesting Dems worry that if enough conservatives descend on the Mall it will amount to a major PR victory for the right.
The aide, Doug Thornell, warned in the memo that the dust-up over Joe Wilson has been invigorating conservatives. "It looks like Saturday’s event is going to be a huge gathering, estimates ranging from hundreds of thousands to 2 million people," Thornell wrote in the memo, which was forwarded by a source.
In another sign of concern, the memo painstakingly detailed a range of turnout predictions from the event’s organizers, such as this one from tea party leaders promising a crowd of up to 1,000,000.
Adding to Dem concern is the fact that Beck recently claimed a major victory in the ouster of former green jobs adviser Van Jones.
The House leadership memo predicting huge turnout could have been written in hopes that it would leak and inflate expectations for turnout, anticipating that it will fall far short. But Dems on the Hill insist they’re genuinely worried about what tomorrow will bring.
Early in the day Michelle Malkin reported ABC News was saying 2 million, which ABC later backtracked from and came out with the totally laughable 60-70.000.
Michelle also reported that the park police estimated the crowd at 1.2 million. Which I believe is what the protest coordinators had permitted space for.
You can see video as well as more photos and the schematic that was used to estimate the crowd at Barack Obama’s inauguration by visiting Michelle Malkin.com.
You check it out, you decide!
The UK Daily Mail, not exactly a conservative newspaper, also reports that up to two million protesters were in D.C.
This video is time lapse from 8:00 am until 11:30 am and shows the crowds gathering:
Again, you decide.
None of this, of course, takes into account all of the Americans who couldn’t come to D.C. but attended other events all across the nation.
Video of protesters at the start of the event:
"I came here because I thought you might want to hear a black man speak 15 minutes without a teleprompter" _____Mason Weaver
Video of Mason Weaver speaking without a teleprompter!
Of course, there were lighthearted moments too, such as when a CNN reporter, doing a stand up for the in studio host, who was attempting to do a hit piece on Congressman Joe Wilson, got shouted down! First you’ll hear the crowd chanting "tell the truth, tell the truth" then they go into a refrain of "Glenn Beck! Glenn Beck!" Sharp eyes will notice a large photo of Sarah Palin being held up behind the report’s head!
When asked how they felt about Joe Wilson, the crowd goes wild! Oh, in case you were wondering, Joe Wilson has raised over $1 million is 48 hours!
Let that be a lesson to other conservative politicians. If you stand up for what is right, we’ll pay you!
In case you forgot, CNN reporters are not exactly welcome at conservative events.
Hmmm...I wonder why?
"Ask Santa Anna how it went the LAST TIME a President tried to take away Texan’s rights!"
Sign spotted at 9/12 protest in Ft Worth, Texas
No matter the final number count, it’s easy to see that the first annual 9/12 celebration was a complete success. The movement that Glenn Beck created all those months ago has started to unite patriotic Americans nationwide. People from every walk of life, every race, sex, and religious creed have learned they are not alone. They have learned their voices count.
People who have never been involved in politics in their life are excited and hopeful. Hopeful that we take control of our nation. Take the power away from corrupt, power mad politicians, and give it back to the people, as our founders intended.
To view a large collection of photos from the D.C. protest please click here.
Here's a couple that I liked:

Here are some more crowd shots:

So where was Barack Obama during all of the festivities? Well, as they say, if you can’t stand the heat.........
Actually, Obama is still trying to shove his communist Obamacare fiasco down America’s throat. Already the most overexposed President in our nation’s history, Obama took to the road yet again!
I got a hint for you Mr. President, you won the election. The time for the cheesy campaigning and ACORN style "community organizing" is over! How about you stay in the White House and do your job!

Obama chose to cut and run away from the D.C. protests to hold another Amway sales meeting, this time in Minneapolis!
A small crowd of around 15,000 showed up to hear the Community Organizer-In-Chief chant "fired up!" Ah, those were the days, eh Mr President? Back when things were carefree and easy.
This being President is hard and junk, huh?

Just as indignant towards the American people as he was during his joint address to Congress, Obama bellowed: "I will not accept the status quo. Not this time. Not now,"
What our President fails to grasp is the fact that all of us would love a little health care reform, but want nothing to do with anything that even resembles this insane boondoggle he is trying to force feed the American people!
Mr President, give us some tort reform, make insurance policies portable, deregulate so people can buy insurance nationwide instead of only within their state, and then get out of the way!
One could write a great health care reform bill in ten pages or less! It is beyond ridiculous that we have a health care monstrosity, that really does little for health care, or reform, and takes 1017 pages to do it!
Mr President, maybe you should listen to the advice of Sgt Joe Friday and Officer Bill Gannon:

Yes, there were a LOT of people who showed up in DC on September 12, 2009 for the 9/12 Project and the Tea Party Protest rally.
ReplyDeleteBut even Fox News with its mantra of "Fair & Balanced" has been reporting on the air both yesterday and today, as well as on their website, that there were "tens of thousands" who showed up, not the hundreds of thousands or 1.2 million or 2 million that others have claimed.
While it may not fit in with the theme of your post ("Obama/State Controlled Media Says "Tens of Thousands"), there is absolutely NO MSM "conspiracy” regarding the size of the crowd. Michelle Malkin was either misinformed... or she lied.
Go back to your community organizer position. You need a lot more experience to run our country than what you have. Leave us alone!! Give us our freedoms back and go somewhere else if you don't like the way our country is. Our forefathers and many of our sons, brothers and sisters gave their lives to protect our freedoms and we don't want that wasted by your communist, socialist ideas.
ReplyDeleteI served my country from '58 to '64, right out of high school. Many of the boys that I went to school with never came back home. I have fought one time and I can again. All I ask for is the chance and thats what this nation gives. I have worked from the age of 9, I'm 72 and still work. I respect others and and expect it back. Obama, you want to call me out' there's no fence around me. I will promise you a fair butt whipping. If you don't like the way our country is I will help buy you, your Zars, and liars and crooks a one way ticket to North Vetnam, if they will have you. Howard Hunt
ReplyDeleteCarol, thank you and God bless you for your service to the nation.
ReplyDeleteKathleen, the 2 million number is very close to accurate. The D.C. Park Police put the number at 1.2 million, and if you go to Michelle's website, she has the template used to estimate the crowd at Obama's January 20th swearing in, which was at 1.5 million. There was more than that on Saturday.
Facts are a stubborn thing, and Fox got it wrong as well.