Not interested in victory?
The only real job a President has that is spelled out in the Constitution is protecting the Constitution, and protecting the nation, and this guy has blown it both times. Obama hasn’t followed the Constitution since day one with all of his communistic programs, like cap and tax, and the freedom and liberty destroying ObamaCare fiasco.
Oddly enough, when it comes to Obama himself, victory is cool. After he took office and the complaints were flying that he wouldn’t engage with the Republicans, that he didn’t care about the bipartisanship he ran on, the first of hundreds of lies he has told, Obama famously said "I won."
Lest you think this is an isolated incident:
"I’m always worried about using the word victory."
____Barack Obama
Are you kidding me?
This man is not fit to sit in the Oval Office. Period!

We have North Korea testing long range missiles, we have Russia flexing it’s muscles, and helping Venezuela start on the path towards nuclear weapons. We have a shaky Iraq, Afghanistan is in trouble, and this pathetic man cannot step up to the pump. Iran may possibly have a nuclear weapon this year, and Obama is at the U.N and the G20 talking rainbows, unicorns, and nuclear disarmament! (For us)
The world has become exponentially more dangerous since this inexperienced "community organizer" has taken office. Obama is totally asleep at the wheel on national security and foreign relations.
Actually, that’s only partially true. For the entire time George W Bush was President, he sent messages to the Iranian people that we were not their enemy, that our quarrel was with their leaders. The implication was if they decided to rebel against the mullahs, we’d be there. Well, after the last "election" in Iran, evidently run buy ACORN’S Islamic subsidiary, the Iranian people finally decided they had indeed had enough of their oppressive government, and took to the streets, en masse.
Where was Obama? It took him weeks to formulate a response, and it was weak, and basically a hands off deal, saying it wasn’t our problem. Meanwhile brave Iranians who, like all human beings, merely desired freedom and liberty, were being slaughtered in the streets.
Nice going Obama!
On the other hand, down in Honduras, we had a dictator wannabe legally and constitutionally removed from office. Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, who like our President, is term limited, was trying to manipulate the population into allowing him to remain "president for life" much like his communist pals Hugo Chavez and the Castro brothers. In fact, world wide, Hugo Chavez, the Castro Brothers, and Barack Obama, all communists, are the only ones rooting for Zelaya!
Obama went so far as to call this an illegal coup de’tat, which is ridiculous. The Honduran military, Congress, and most importantly, their Supreme Court, had all ruled against Zelaya’s attempt to usurp their Constitution, and removed him from office, by force. This was perfectly legal. It fact, it’s exactly how a functioning government should work.
Unfortunately, the checks and balances in our own country are no longer working as well.
It’s despicable that we have one nation that is a threat to the entire world, whose leadership could have been toppled, with a possible democracy replacing it, and yet our so-called "president" did nothing, while at the same time, another nation, a functioning democracy, is about to be toppled by a communist dictator, and he sides with the dictator, and is still actively trying to force this free nation into installing this obvious traitor to his nation back in power!
This would be as if the Germans had figured Hitler out before he went off the deep end, and ousted him, only to have Roosevelt demand the Germans put him back in office! It would have been outrageous then, and it’s just as outrageous now!
The point of all of this is simply one thing. It’s obvious that Obama is not fit for office. Obama has left the United States, and the entire free world, vulnerable to attack from any number of rouge nations. Obama has abdicated America’s role as the leader of the free world.
While we have brave men and women serving, and dying in Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama couldn’t care less. Obama is still in campaign mode trying to force his liberty destroying ObamaCare monstrosity down an angry America’s throat!
America has clearly spoken, they want no part of ObamaCare. None! But it seems Obama is very interested in a victory there, because it will usurp our Constitution, and fundamentally change America into a communist nation. Clearly THAT victory would be acceptable for Obama. But victory against nations that want to destroy all of mankind, not so much.
We have our theater commanders telling Obama, in no uncertain terms, that we need more troops in Afghanistan, or we will lose. General McChrystal is requesting 30,000-40,000 troops. What is Obama doing? Nothing.
Here’s a hint Obama, this isn’t like your Senate job where you can just vote "present" you are actually expected to make a decision!
Where is Congress?
The Republican party should be demanding this man’s resignation. Obama has clearly abdicated his constitutional duty to protect our Constitution and to protect our nation. Are there no patriotic democrats left? Are the members of both parties so interested in holding on to their phony-baloney jobs that whatever Obama wants to do is fine?
What happens when Iran sends a nuke into Israel and wipes them out? How about Iraq? Europe? How about when Hugo Chavez gets some nukes from Russia and decides to let them fly?
It’s time for the American people to demand Obama step down, resign. He is clearly not a leader and clearly does not have America’s best interests in mind. The world is too dangerous for an "on the job training" president.
Growing up, our greatest enemy was the Soviet Union. When Ronald Reagan became President, he had a very simple strategy: "We win, they lose!"
After we were attacked on 9/11 George W Bush stated "you are either with us, or against us."
We need leaders in this nation, not "community organizers."
Thanks to Ace and Weasel Zippers.
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