As we wrote several days ago, there is a battle going on between the American Farmer and the Obama regime. Barack Obama has turned the water off to the San Joaquin Valley of Central California, some of the most fertile farm land in the nation, and literally the nation’s food pantry.
Thanks to Barack Obama, unemployment in parts of the Valley is at 41 percent. Hard working American Farmers, Patriots, who have spent a lifetime growing our food, are now standing in lines for six and eight hours at a time to get canned goods from China just to survive!
This is a crime against humanity.
If you don’t know the story, here’s the deal. The Obama regime is using the excuse of a fish, a two inch bait fish, the Delta Smelt, which they claim is an "endangered species" to shut down all of the water to the San Joaquin Valley. They have created a modern day dust bowl out of some of the most beautiful farm land on earth. Some 400,000 acres have been destroyed with one million total acres in jeopardy.
This is not only a human tragedy, it’s a matter of national security.
A significant amount of America’s entire food supply has traditionally come from this Valley. According to the California Foundation For Agriculture In The Classroom, the percentage of our national food supply that comes from the San Joaquin Valley for the various crops are as follows:
Olives 100%
Almond 99%
Walnuts 99%
Figs 98%
Kiwi 97%
Pistachios 96%
Apricots 95%
Celery 94%
Tomatoes 94%
Broccoli 93%
Plums 93%
Nectarines 93%
Strawberries 90%
Carrots 89%
Lemons 89%
Grapes 88%
Garlic 86%
Avocados 84%
Dates 82%
Lettuce 78%
Peaches 76%
Honeydew 73%
Asparagus 55%
Cantaloupe 54%
Bell Peppers 47%
Onions 27%
Cabbage 22%
Milk and cream 21%
Artichokes 19%
Honey 18%
Spinach 18%
Looking at that list it seems fantastic that Obama and his democrat/communist party would even consider destroying this farmland and these Patriotic American Farmers. But as fantastic as it seems, every single democrat/communist in the United States Senate voted to table an amendment to the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010 that was offered up by Republican Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina.
You can see the results of this vote here.
Even more incredible, three Republicans joined the democrat/communist party in voting to destroy America. These absolute traitors to the nation are Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe from Maine, and Lamar Alexander of Tennessee.

And if you think calling these 61 members of the United States Senate traitors to the nation is harsh, then think again. Remember all of the food scares we have endured the last few years? Salmonella on fruits and vegetables has become a common occurrence. Why is this?
Well, it’s really pretty simple. We are having to import most of our fruits and vegetables from foreign countries. Why? Because the democrat/communist party has destroyed the American Farmer and his business. They have made it impossible for the Farmer to do his job, to grow our food for us.
That’s right, the democrat/communist party, the party that is constantly caterwauling about jobs going overseas has just turned the responsibility for growing our entire nation’s food supply over to a bunch of foreign countries who don’t have the same food safety standards that our Patriotic Farmers adhere to.
But why?
As I wrote my original story on this, it hit me like a ton of bricks, and it becomes even more clear each and every day. Anyone who has been paying even cursory attention to the so-called "green movement" knows it has been hijacked by communists, Marxists.
One of the leading groups is the Apollo Alliance.
You’ll note the Apollo Alliance's logo is very similar to other Obama/ACORN affiliated groups.
We know of this group because of it’s very close ties to Barack Obama. Two of the closet people to Obama are the recently departed "Green Jobs Czar" Van Jones, a self described communist revolutionary, and racist. But the other man intimately involved with Obama is Jeff Jones. (No relation to Van Jones) Jeff Jones wrote most of the nearly one trillion dollar stimulus bill that Congress passed and Obama signed into law without ever reading a single word.

Jeff Jones, along with another longtime Obama adviser and mentor, unrepentant murdering terrorist William Ayers co-founded the ultra-violent Weather Underground, a Marxist organization. Once these two murderers realized they couldn’t destroy America by blowing it up, they cut their hair, took baths, put on business suits, and infiltrated "respected" fields of endeavor.
William Ayers went into teaching, along with his convicted felon ex-wife, Bernardine Dohrn. These two are considered "respected educators," teaching teachers how to teach your kids. Infecting young minds with tails of Marx and Lenin. Reason number 8448 to home school!
Jeff Jones chose another path. Jones saw the "green movement" and realized that it was an effective way to slowly institute a communist agenda on America, and use fear and guilt to do it. The greens have been telling fairy tails about "climate change" for a generation, and so far none of it has been true. In the 1970's the coming ice age was all the rage. All of the major newsers of the day screamed in fear of global cooling, a new ice age that was coming our way. When that didn’t work out, they came up with "global warming" another hoax to end all hoaxes. Looking stupid, because the earth is actually cooling, they finally changed the name to "climate change" when they saw that they couldn’t fool enough people or scare enough to go along with their plans.

Funny thing, we’ve had one of the coolest two years in decades, and now they are revving up the "global cooling" fears again.
So what the hell does this have to do with Patriotic American Farmers in Central California?
We talked about this before, but let’s break it all down again.
What do we always hear from Obama and all of his communist cohorts? "Social justice." "Re-distributive change." Obama has constantly talked about. Here is Obama in a 2001 Chicago radio interview where he called the Constitution "flawed" because it didn’t address the re-distribution of wealth.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need
Karl Marx
Now when Conservatives heard this communist nonsense coming out of Obama’s mouth we instinctively knew this guy was trouble, but unfortunately, this isn’t just about re-distributing wealth here in America. If only.
No, these communists want to distribute America’s wealth to the world. You see communism isn’t about creating wealth. (except for a select few) Communism punishes success by forcibly taking the fruits of one’s success and giving it to someone else, whether they have earned it, or not. The communist calls this "economic justice."
Of course, this is an insane and deeply flawed system. It punishes those who have the ability and skill to succeed. In fact, it so de-incentivizes a person from working hard, it so punishes success, that people just quit trying. There is no point. This is why communism has failed every time it has been tried. And of course, communism is not natural, so it must be forced upon a people. And by forced, I do mean forced. Some 100 million people worldwide have died of "forced communism."
But again, what does this have to do with these California Farmers and for that matter, Barack Obama’s sinister plans?
Well, lets look at what has been going on for decades with "progressives" in charge of Congress. "Progressives" come in two flavors, both equally dangerous to the nation. Of course, there is the democrat/communist, but there is also the "moderate" Republican, the enabler, the ones who see no danger in Big Government and do absolutely nothing to stop the democrat/communist.
We have several issues that have our nation is severe peril right now.
First of all, money. Our debit is so high it may never be paid off. Our deficit is completely unsustainable. In the nine months that Barack Obama has been in office, our deficit has quadrupled. Obama has spent more money since January than all of our previous Presidents, from George Washington to George W. Bush have in 233 years. We are now a debtor nation. We are totally dependant on other nations to fund our government, including our national defense, our military. If I have to explain how dangerous this situation is.......
That’s just one mess we are in, and here is we start to see it all come together, communism and radical environmentalism.
Since the late 1960's early 1970's we have had issues with our energy supply. We’ve sat through two separate gasoline shortages and actually had gasoline and heating oil rationing. But why? It’s not like we don’t have more than enough oil, natural gas, and coal to fuel our nation for decades without a single drop of imported energy. We have more oil than Saudi Arabia, natural gas deposits that equal the entire world’s oil supply, and an estimated two hundred-fifty years worth of coal. And that doesn’t even take into consideration nuclear energy!
And yet, instead of going on a crash program, something akin to Kennedy’s quest to go to the moon, to develop our own energy, we actually use less of our own energy than we did forty years ago! But why?
Well, the greens would have you believe it’s to "save the planet." How ridiculous. We still use oil and natural gas. But instead of using our oil and natural gas, we use imports. Imports from nations that don’t particularly like us. Nations that don’t have nearly the safety record with oil exploration that we do in the United States. Nations that have to transport this oil to us.
These oil rich nations are mostly totalitarian regimes that don’t share the wealth with their citizens. The oil money goes into the coffers of dictators, like anti-American communist Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. Now Chavez is using the great wealth he has gotten from America to buy military equipment from Russia, and forge friendships with Middle Eastern terror states like Iran. Chavez, a dangerous communist, is a threat to destabilize the entire South American continent!

Here’s the real story. America sends somewhere between $700 billion and $1 trillion dollars a year to other nations, communist nations, to buy their oil. That is some serious wealth re-distribution, wouldn’t you say!
Not only does this spending severely deplete our national pocketbook, it fuels communism, and even terrorism worldwide. It weakens the United States financially. It also jeopardizes our national security. Both of these are communist goals.
America has great reserves of oil off our coastlines and in ANWR. But we are continually told that we can’t drill off the coast because it would destroy the ocean, and yet, Barack Obama just sent $10 billion dollars to Brazil, so they could drill off THEIR coastline for oil!
Of course, there is a lot more to it than that, there always is. You see, we all know that Obama is basically a sock puppet for George Soros, who basically owns and funds the democrat party, as well as groups like, the Tides Foundation, ACORN, and dozens more little front groups. Anyhow, Soros, who made his money speculating on the British pound, almost destroying the currency, invested $811 million dollars in Petrobas, the Brazilian oil company, just a few days before Obama so generously sent them the care package.

Evidently it’s OK for some communists to make a lot of money, and "destroy the environment," especially when they fund your phony-baloney corrupt political party!
Let’s recap a minute.
Thanks to "progressive" policies of the democrat/communist party, and the enablers in the Republican party, we are flat broke and must depend on credit from other nations to keep us going. This leaves our nation in peril, our economy on the brink of destruction, and is a national security disaster. All our creditors have do is turn off the faucet, stop loaning us money, and it’s all over.
Also thanks to the democrat/communists, in the guise of "saving the environment" (unless it’s George Soros) we are total exposed to the world on energy. Not only are we held hostage to world oil prices, but to rogue regimes, many who don’t like us, and even more dangerous, many who would have little problem with just not selling us any oil at all if there was an angle to it.
This of course is an extremely dangerous situation. This may be one of the most dangerous situations there is to national security there is, if it weren’t for this:
Our food supply!
The communists have failed to destroy America, so far, with just debt, and restricting energy, the lifeblood of any economy, the lifeblood of freedom. America is just too strong. The American people too resilient.
So here comes this deal, in the guise of saving an "endangered species." Let me remind you, the Delta Smelt is plentiful. It is not native to the San Joaquin Valley waterways. It doesn’t do anything for the ecosystem. It’s not part of the food chain, and doesn’t benefit the waters, doesn’t perform a function that effects water quality in any way shape or form.
In other words, no one is gonna miss this thing!
But again, the communists are basically killing two birds with one stone. Like we have been doing with oil, we are now sending more and more of our treasure to other nations, mostly third world countries. In other words, we are re-distributing the wealth. This, is what Barack Obama and his communist friends call "economic justice!"
It’s bad enough that we are forced to buy food of questionable quality and safety, but these people aren’t just content with that. They also want to destroy our ability to go back and start feeding ourselves again.
Now you gotta ask why.
Well, anyone that has ever followed the left wing in this country for more than a few minutes knows the left wing in this country hates America. They blame America for the world’s problems. We’ve heard it our entire lives from these people. They used to be contained at the universities and on the San Francisco streets, but over the decades the Marxist professors, the communists, the severe anti-American traitors have mainstreamed themselves. Murdering domestic terrorists are now considered "respected" by a good portion of society. These people have completely co-opted the democrat party, and turned it into a party full of full blown anti-American, anti-capitalism, communists.
Here’s the thing. Barack Obama and all of those around him are dangerous communists who want to destroy the Republic. This is their stated goal. They want to "fundamental remake America through transformative change."
Barack Obama wants to do away with the Constitution and institute a Marxist state. A communist regime. But to do this, he must destroy the country. And of course, with the debt, and our artificial energy issues, the groundwork for Obama’s communist revolution was already in place. Now we have an artificial drought in California that will further destroy our economy, and further contribute to our nation’s chaos.
And Obama needs major chaos as an excuse to bring us "transformative change."
As a bonus, for Obama, we have over 40,000 Patriotic American Farmers who are now out of work, and totally dependant on the government to survive. Just what the communists want. The more that depend on government for their survival, the less to resist whatever government wants to do!

This cannot be allowed to stand. Obviously, our first consideration is these Patriotic American Farmers who have worked this blessed, fertile California land for generations. We must save these people. The solution is really easy too, just turn on the water!

But long term, we have serious issues in this nation. I mean serious issues. Our very Republic is in danger of extinction. Our very freedom and liberty.
Right now, against the wishes of the American people, Barack Obama and his communist stooges are plotting on a way to shove his socialist Obamacare down America’s throat. Never mind the fact that most of America is strongly opposed to this, and almost 90 percent of America is happy with their current health care plans.
The only reason for Obama to want to take over healthcare is it’s one sixth of the nation’s economy. The provisions’s in Obamacare completely and totally usurp our Constitution. They give the federal government unprecedented powers. They turn a republican form of government into a centrally planned, centrally controlled communist state. We will no longer be 50 separate states bound together by a common interest. We’ll be one big super-state forced to live under tyrannical rule.

We must stop this, and we must stop it now.
First, we must unite. This isn’t about being a Republican, or even a "normal" democrat. This is about being an American. This is about loving the America we all grew up in. The greatest nation the world has ever known. As Ronald Reagan would describe it, a shining city on a hill.
We need to unite behind other Americans. We need to join up with other Americans. Join the Tea Party movement. There are groups in almost every area of the country. If there is no group, start one. But get involved. Get your family involved. Get your neighbors involved.
You also need to contact your Senators and Congressmen. Let them know they work for you. Tell them you are no longer going to accept their poor job performance. That you will fire them and find someone else if they continue down this dangerous path. Tell them to turn on this water, now!
Also, contact the California Farm Water Coalition and help them any way you can. These Patriotic Farmers are the very fabric of our nation. What is being done to these Farmers, to America herself, is outrageous, and cannot be allowed to continue.
Barack Obama and the rest of the democrat/communists have not only destroyed the lives of these Patriotic Farmers, put nearly one million acres of America’s richest farm land in peril, they have put America’s national security in peril. This is very close to treasonous behavior.
ReplyDeleteThis post and your other piece on the San Joaquin Valley crisis are truly important pieces of work. You not only describe the crisis well, you put it in the context of the catastrophe that confronts our great nation. If anyone doubts the intent of this administration and their enablers to destroy our country, they need to read these two posts. Thank you for the great work; please keep it up!
Well spoken! Thank you for this! I would like to say that I have been screaming out that we need to form neighborhood groups and expand out. We need to have verbal & physical contact/communication with "every" person who is against BHO and his regime! I am hearing from too many people how they are not able to meet with like minded individuals. They are unable to have personal communication with other tea party patriots other than a protest or rally. This is wrong! This is going to fail if we do not get out there and invite "every" person in to a group of friends. Far too many people are saying that they want to do something and they want to do it with with new friends who share the same beliefs. We have got to wake up and make some serious changes and take srious action where the tea party is concerned or it will work against us. You are so right that we need to unite. If we start at the bottom - build & grow in numbers - join several small groups together to make a big group - and those big groups join together and so on...we will be unstoppable! How does the military do it? Just like that! The military has an office in every area where every person who seeks them out...can find them. Once you find the military office - you are instantly a part of the military. You have personal communication w/ the military and become friends with the soldiers! They don't say "Come in and find out where we will be next and you can go there for 3 hours"! They say "We are a united people and from this moment on - you are one of us"! We have got to bring people in and never again send someone away feeling that they still don't know any other patriots and still don't know what they can do. We have got to change this!