Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sarah Palin Calls On Obama To Focus, Get Control Of Schizophrenic Agenda, Stop Exploiting Gulf Tragedy For Political Gain

Today Sarah Palin, via Twitter, has called out Barack Once again on his demonstrable inability to lead, and the total lack of focus from the Oval Office on what is important.

Sarah also takes Obama to task for exploiting the oil spill in the Gulf to try and shove cap and tax down our throats.

As Sarah points out, Obama is always claiming he is focused "like a laser" on jobs. Of course when normal people say things like this, you think they mean they are focused on actually creating jobs. With Obama it’s just the opposite. Between the moratorium on drilling, which will destroy hundreds of thousands of jobs, and the up coming cap and tax legislation, that will destroy entire industries, and millions of jobs, it would seem folks would be wrong.

It seems that Barack Obama is only about destruction, and not rebuilding the nation’s economy, "plugging the damned hole", or cleaning up the Gulf..

Of course, we all know what is really going on with Obama and BP, and where the focus really is. Lots of money changing hands. We’ve talked about that here, here, and here. Stacy Drake has written an excellent piece on the kabuki theater being performed by both Obama and BP and the upcoming cap and tax scam, which you can read here.

We are just glad that someone in this country is focused like a laser on Obama, and doing her best to hold him accountable to the American people. Sarah Palin is looking and sounding more presidential every day. She is certainly showing more leadership than anyone else out there. 

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