
Man, where does one even begin with this deal? We all know that Barack Obama is nothing more than a Chicago street thug. That’s what a "community organizer" is, at least as defined by Alinsky’s methods, the methods Obama used to teach when he worked for ACORN.

We all know that Obama is scared of Sarah Palin and curls up under his desk in the fetal position at the mere mention of her name. It’s well documented that the second John McCain announced Governor Palin as his running mate, Obama dispatched his top people to Alaska to set up a smear campaign to end all smear campaigns.
It started with "Troopergate" or as Sarah calls it: "Tasergate" and culminated in the formation of the Alaska Mafia ©, a group of hate bloggers and their operatives, that were given complete access to Obama’s media partners, the so-called "mainstream media," to publish attack pieces, filled with out and out lies, at will.
These operatives also filed dozens of bogus "ethics complaints" in an attempt to taint Governor Palin’s stellar record as a real reformer, bankrupt her, and cause the Alaskan people pain. Obama’s Alaska Mafia © accomplished the latter, his team cost the Alaskan taxpayers over two million dollars, as the state was forced to investigate each and every nonsensical claim.
Governor Palin outsmarted Obama and his band of hired thugs though, when she resigned. By resigning, Obama and his thugs were no longer able to terrorize the Alaskan people. They were also no longer able to bankrupt Sarah personally.
That didn’t stop Obama’s thugs from their work though. They continually attack her with The White House calling the plays. While Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod surely play their part, White House adviser, and Alaskan, Pete Rouse plays a large role as well. It was Rouse who arranged the "Troopergate" dog and pony show and arranged for Barack Obama to do a little pay-for-play with his buddy, Alaska State Senator Kim Elton, who now has a make work job with the Obama regime. Reward for his part in the "Troopergate" witch hunt.
Chicago thuggery at it’s finest.
As absolutely off the charts vile as all of that is, one can still say politics is a nasty business, and this is how the Marxist-democrat party plays it. It is what it is. If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch!
Well, as we all know, not only does Sarah run with the big dogs, she’s the leader of the pack All of Obama’s and his thug’s attempts to stop her have not only failed, they have made her stronger, more popular, and more determined.
With that said, what is going on now is unprecedented in American history. Not even FDR or Richard Nixon, two really vindictive bastards, would have went this far.
Never in our history has the President of the United States attacked a private citizen in the manner Barack Obama has continually attacked Sarah Palin. This latest abuse of power is off the charts.
Here’s a copy of an e-mail sent to me by an operative.
Urge Discovery to Drop Sarah Palin's New Show
Discovery Communications — the parent company of The Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, TLC and others, and known for their wildlife-focused programs — is planning to produce an 8-part TV show on Sarah Palin's Alaska.
Sarah Palin's Alaska is a "reality TV" show that aims to showcase the "powerful beauty of Alaska," according to Discovery's TLC website.
But the real Sarah Palin is no friend of Alaska's natural heritage. While in office, the former governor fought against increased protections for endangered whales and America's dwindling populations of polar bears in favor of oil and gas development, supported dangerous drilling for oil in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, and escalated Alaska's brutal aerial wolf-killing program.
Yet according to reports, Palin will earn about $1 million per episode from the nature-focused series.
Act now, Send a powerful message to Discovery Communications expressing your disappointment at their action and urging them to drop Sarah Palin’s new show from their programming schedule.
It's important that the truth about Sarah Palin's record not be swept under the rug by her celebrity. Palin's disrespect for the environment and disregard for science and has done real damage to Alaska's wildlife and endangered Alaska's natural heritage.
Send a message to Discovery Communications and let them know that Sarah Palin doesn't deserve to represent the "powerful beauty of Alaska" in front of millions of people.
Take action today>
Thanks for taking a stand,
- The Change.org Team in support of Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund
The links in this e-mail take you directly to Barack Obama’s political arm, Change.org, and this message:
Targeting: Mr. David Zaslav (President and CEO, Discovery Communications)
Sponsored by: Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund
Sarah Palin has signed on with reality TV producers and Discovery Communications to star in a new TV show about Alaska and its outdoors.
But the ugly reality is that as governor for only two-and-a-half years, Sarah Palin escalated a bloody aerial wolf-slaughter campaign that continues to this very day. She even planned to offer a $150 bounty for the severed forelimb of each killed wolf.
Palin also fought against increased protections for endangered Cook Inlet beluga whales and America's dwindling populations of polar bears.
Sign our petition to Discovery Communications -- and let them know that Sarah Palin doesn't deserve to represent the "powerful beauty of Alaska" in front of millions of people.
Notice something? Remember the few last weeks when Obama, his thugs, and their media partners were having a hissy fit because Sarah was "targeting" them? I guess their hypocrisy truly knows no bounds!
For good measure, Obama has provided his thugs a little form letter to send to Discover’s President and CEO:
Please Drop Sarah Palin's New Show
Dear Mr. David Zaslav,
As a supporter of Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund, I am disappointed and angered by Discovery Communication's decision to produce and air Sarah Palin's Alaska. As governor, Sarah Palin championed a bloody aerial wolf-slaughter campaign that continues to this very day. She even planned on offering a $150 bounty for the severed forelimb of each killed wolf. Palin also fought against increased protections for struggling Cook Inlet beluga whales and America's only populations of polar bears.
As parent company of Animal Planet, The Discovery Channel and TLC, and known for your wildlife-focused productions, I hope that you will reconsider your decision to partner with such a terribly anti-wildlife and politically divisive persona as Sarah Palin.
[Your name]
Politically divisive persona? Really? Well, at least they aren't trying to hide the fact this is all political and has little to do with the animals.
Now, Change.org should not be confused with Change.gov, Barack Obama’s "tranition" website or Organizing For America, his commercial venture and part of his never ending, permanent political campaign.
Much like Obama uses the Alaska bloggers to stay at "arms length" from things, Obama uses Change.org in the same manner. At first glance, Change.org appears to be a stand alone organization, but a little bit of research finds that Obama has been using the website as a base of operations since he began his run at the presidency. The website was launched in 2007.
We found an article in a technical online publication touting Obama’s use of Change.org as a political tool dated November 6, 2008. Our operative also forwarded us numerous e-mails from this group to their registered "changemakers." Changemakers are a group of high profile activists, as well as online volunteers who are dedicated to doing the Obama regime’s bidding. These e-mails coincide with the talking points of the Obama regime.
We were immediately drawn to some of the members of this group. Once one gets past the celebrities and political hacks, like John Kerry, who served in Vietnam, and "Patches" Kennedy, our eyes were drawn straight to none other than Jim Wallis.
Wallis is a radical anti-American Marxist "priest" who has promoted the overthrow of our current system of government for a communist form of government. Wallis is also Barack Obama’s "spiritual advisor" having replaced Obama’s far left, anti-American, Antisemitic, "preacher" of 20 plus years, Jeremiah Wright, of God Damn America fame.
Another "changemaker" is Lisa Jackson. Jackson is the Administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency and a far left radical. The EPA has rapidly become one of the more dangerous agencies in the federal government. (and that’s saying something)
Unable to shove job and economy killing cap and tax legislation down America’s throat, Obama is about to unleash the EPA on America to regulate, restrict, (and tax) all manners of activity that produce carbon. That of course, includes breathing. Isn’t communism great!
Predictably, the radical stance by Obama’s EPA has touched off numerous lawsuits brought by dozens of states with many hoping to block Obama’s out of control agency from implementing industry killing regulations and economy crushing taxes.
Some "changemaking" huh?
Now for some facts about the wolves: Sarah Palin didn’t start the Alaskan predator elimination program. It had been going on for years, and Alaska isn’t the only state that has this sort of program.
Wolves travel in packs. They are incredibly efficient hunters. So efficient, they had depleted Alaska’s herd of elk, moose, deer, and caribou significantly. Alaskans depend on these herds for their very survival, as much of the population hunt and fish in order to eat. In order to survive. As Sarah herself has said: "I eat, therefore I hunt." That pretty much sums up the Alaskan lifestyle.

Since these programs were put in place, the herds have thrived and multiplied many times over. They are back in healthy, sustainable numbers.
Wolves also attack people. Alaskan teacher Candice Berner was mauled to death by wolves in March of this year. While attacks on humans are rare, wolves are predators and really don’t distinguish between people and wild game.
People seem to forget, maybe conveniently, that Alaska is a frontier state roughly the size of the entire Western United States and is mostly wilderness. Even where the people are, they are surrounded by the wilderness.
A good friend of mine who lives in Alaska was telling me about moose just last night. These animals are magnificent, but they are also aggressive and everywhere. He was telling me how they come into his yard and will charge him if he crosses their path.
Alaska ain’t New York City!
The Defenders of Wildlife is a far left group of environmental extremists who use Sarah Palin’s name to raise money. They have cooked up off the wall campaigns before and used fraudulent images to sell their program.
Coinciding with the attacks by Obama’s Alaska Mafia ©, the bogus ethics complaints, the fake stories planted in the media, and so on, the Defenders of the Wildlife, started in on their attacks on Palin as well. They are purely political.
Seeing the attacks for what they were, political, having nothing to do with actual sound wildlife management policy, the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance penned this letter of support to Governor Palin in February of 2009:
February 12, 2009
The Honorable Sarah Palin
P.O. Box 110001
Juneau, AK 99811-0001
Dear Governor Palin:
On behalf of the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance and the listed conservation organizations supporting this letter, we want to publicly endorse your wolf management policy. We believe the recent public relations blitz initiated by the Defenders of Wildlife grossly mischaracterizes your Administration’s wolf management policy.
After years of research, it is recognized by practically all state and federal wildlife officials that predator management is a prerequisite for guaranteeing stable populations of prey species. Given that many Alaska residents rely on moose, caribou, and other wildlife species for food, it becomes imperative that those species not be decimated through lack of predator management.
The Alaska wolf management program accomplishes this. It does so through a rigorously regulated, scientifically based system targeting only those predators in areas where wildlife populations are not able to reach adequate levels of sustainability in the program’s absence.
As each of our organizations works within the conservation movement, we understand the critical importance of science in wildlife management. It is evident that the Defenders of Wildlife attacks are part and parcel of a well orchestrated publicity stunt meant to achieve maximum exposure and minimum discourse. The future of effective wildlife management necessitates that emotional pleas not substitute for reasoned analysis.
Walter P. Pidgeon, Jr.
President and CEO
U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance
Jay McAninch,
President and CEO
Archery Trade Association and Bowhunting Preservation Alliance
Steve Mealey,
Conservation Policy Co-chairman
Boone and Crockett Club
John J. Jackson, III,
Conservation Force
Ben Carter,
Executive Director
Dallas Safari Club
Lawrence G. Keane,
Senior Vice President and General Counsel
National Shooting Sports Foundation
Brian Bachman,
President and CEO
North American Bear Foundation
Mike Schlegel,
Conservation Committee Chairman
Pope & Young Club
Kirby L. Brown,
Vice President of Public Policy
Texas Wildlife Association
As mentioned above, Alaska isn’t the only state to practice predator control. In fact the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services Division has a long standing airborne predator control program. The Billings Gazette reported on this in November of 2009:
In January, the federal Environmental Protection Agency refused a similar demand from WildEarth Guardians and others to ban cyanide for predator control, calling its arguments "unpersuasive."
Efforts to end aerial hunting aren’t new: The Humane Society of the United States has tried for decades to stop the practice. In 2005, however, Idaho officials convinced the Federal Aviation Administration to expand policies to allow licensed ultralight-aircraft pilots to shoot predators from aloft.
Aerial gunning even rose to the level of presidential politics in 2008, when then-Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin unapologetically backed her state’s airborne wolf hunts.
Ranching interests including the American Sheep Industry Association say using aircraft and poison to kill coyotes are important tools to combat $125 million in annual losses from predators to the sheep, goat and cattle industry. Peter Orwick, the group’s director in Englewood, Colo., said WildEarth Guardians has a radical animal rights agenda that threatens the livelihood of ranching families like his own.
"If they weren’t able to use airplanes, they would not be in the livestock business," Orwick said. WildEarth Guardians "wants absolutely no control tools made available, from the federal perspective."
USDA Wildlife Services, with a budget of about $120 million, reported killing some 4.9 million animals in 2008 in efforts to control predators and invasive species. It uses airborne predator management primarily for coyotes, wolves and feral swine, spokeswoman Meghan Klingel said.
"Wildlife Services only uses lethal methods ... when they are determined to be the most effective and humane method," Klingel said in an e-mail Friday.
You can read more here.
As you can see, predator control, and more specifically airborne predator control is a long standing, mainstream solution to significant problem. Not only is it accepted policy, it’s policy that The Obama regime continues to carry out, while commanding their minions to attack Sarah Palin for enforcing the exact same policies during her time as Governor of Alaska.
That takes serious cojones my friends!
Now lets get to the whales. Sarah fought the Bush and Obama administrations over their policies because they violated long standing maritime law. Sarah actually defends the law. It’s who she is and what she does.
In addition to that, as Governor, Sarah felt the federal government had overstepped it’s bounds, failed to comply with rules and regulations regarding public review, and used faulty and incomplete data to reach their conclusions. You can read a copy of the "Intent to sue" letter from the Alaska Department of Law here.
As for the polar bears, Sarah successfully sued the Bush administration to keep them off the endangered species list because they are simply not endangered. The population is growing, not declining, Sarah saw the move to put the polar bears on the endangered list for what it was, an attempt by the environmental zealots to shut down all energy production in Alaska. Noting more, nothing less.
And should you think I’m exaggerating, just ask California farmers in the once fertile and incredibly productive San Joaquin Valley. That land has been turned into a modern day dust bowl, and the area is experiencing a 43% unemployment rate because the environmental zealots were able to declare the Delta Smelt, a minnow not even native to the water ways, "endangered."
The federal government shut off the water to this fertile land that once fed the world, literally, because of a 3 inch long bait fish!.
Read about it here and here.
Sarah Palin was doing her job. She was looking out for the Alaskan people, and their economy. And since Alaska provides such a significant amount of energy to America, much like the California Valley used to supply the bulk of America’s food, by extension, Sarah was working to protect America and the American economy as a whole.
Look, Obama and the Marxist-democrats couldn’t care less about the environment or the animals. They use this the way they throw down the race card at the drop of a hat. BTW, they couldn’t care less about Blacks or other minorities either.
To these vile bastards, wildlife, race....whatever...are just weapons in their arsenal. Weapons they can use to beat their opposition into submission and gain command and control over them. Past that, these issues are completely meaningless to them.
Look, politics are a dirty business, especially when the Marxist-democrats are involved. We get it. Again, if a person isn’t tough enough to play in the big leagues, stay home.
What Obama is up to, though, is simply beyond the pale. He has continually attacked Americans who disagree with him, either directly or through his corrupt "rubber stamp" Congress.
For example, now that many fortune 500 companies are publically announcing they will have to take write downs in the tens of billions of dollars with the passage of ObamaCare and it’s related increases to their costs of doing business, Congressman Henry Waxman has ordered them before Congress in an attempt to intimidate them into silence. To bully them into sitting down and shutting up.
The problem with this is, in the wake of the Enron scandal, and their phony-baloney book keeping practices, the Republican Congress, at the time, passed laws that require publicly traded corporations to do exactly what these companies are doing now! By law they can’t sit down and shut up, no matter how hard Obama and his Congress wish they would.
Barack Obama and his party do not govern. They are attempting to rule, and to rule by intimidation and thuggery.
This latest attack by Obama though is the last straw. For Barack Obama to use the full weight and power of the presidency to attack Sarah Palin, a private citizen, and Discovery Communications, a private company, for personal political purposes, simply goes too far.
This is an Intolerable Act and must not be allowed to stand.
Look, we get it. Sarah Palin is the strongest voice in America for freedom and liberty. She is also, by far, Obama’s biggest political rival, and the candidate for President in 2012. When Sarah Palin speaks, Obama and the left trembles.
This still does not give Barack Obama the license to use his power as President to pressure Discovery, or any other entity, to bow to his demands.
This is a clear abuse of executive power and a severe breach of trust with the American people. Obama has proven time and time again he can’t be trusted with the simplest task on behalf of the people, but to openly attack an American, a private citizen, and to attempt harm on her, all for his personal political gain, is simply intolerable
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