Monday, April 25, 2011

Obama Regime Blocks Drilling In Alaska, But Allows Italians To Drill Baby Drill

When Barack Obama took office, the national average for a price of gasoline was $1.85. Now it's over $4 and we are hearing it may very well be $6 or $7 before the end of summer. So what does Obama do?

His regime just blocked Shell Oil from drilling where we know there are 27 BILLION barrels of oil. If Obama's deliberate war on the United States' ability to use it's own abundant natural resources doesn't border on treason, I'm not sure what does.

From the Heritage Foundation:
There are an estimated 27 billion barrels of oil waiting to be tapped in the Arctic Ocean, off the coast of Alaska. But after spending five years and nearly $4 billion, Shell Oil Company has been forced to abandon its efforts to drill for oil in the region.

With gas at $4 per gallon and higher, one might think that more oil would be a good thing. So what’s the road block? The Environmental Protection Agency. Fox News reports that the EPA is withholding necessary air permits because of a one square mile village of 245 people, 70 miles from the off-shore drilling site.
Read the rest of this shocking report here.

Obama has been trying to scam the American people by falsely claiming he is doing all he can on domestic production, however the facts show he's doing everything he can to actually block all domestic production.

Never mind the fact the United States has the largest fossil fuel reserves in the world. That's right, between oil, natural gas, and coal, the United States has more energy resources than any other nation on the planet. And yet, our President has blocked all attempts to recover it. At least by Americans.

As Obama has blocked drilling permits at a frantic pace, other nations are drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico for their own markets. Never mind this is our oil.

Now we learn that even though the Obama regime and radical environmentalists have fought to stop all drilling in Alaska, and Italian company is drilling away, AND spilling oil. From the Anchorage Daily News
Oil spilled at an Italian oil company's new Alaska oil field on the northern coast last Wednesday, 10 days after the field started production, the state Department of Environmental Conservation said today.

Oil spilled at an Italian oil company's new Alaska oil field on the northern coast last Wednesday, 10 days after the field started production, the state Department of Environmental Conservation said today.

About 61 gallons of crude oil sprayed out of a flare vent, which is used to relieve pressure. Programmable circuits failed and crude oil was pushed through the flare and outside onto snow and gravel, the DEC said.

The DEC estimated the oil affected 60 cubic yards of snow and one cubic yard of gravel, all of which will have to be removed. Eni personnel had the area about 80 percent cleaned when DEC responders arrived.

The spill occurred at Eni's production facility for its new Nikaitchuq field, which started production Jan. 30, the DEC said. Although Nikaitchuq is an offshore field in the Beaufort Sea, this spill occurred onshore at Oliktok Point, where some production occurs.

Work at Eni's production wells continued throughout the incident.

Eni has drilled 12 wells and plans to drill a total of 52 by 2014. The Oliktok Point pad will tap oil from 22 wells; an offshore pad near Spy Island will tap the remaining 30.

The company expects the facility to produce for more than 30 years, with a peak of 28,000 barrels per day.
At the current price of crude, we'll spend between $700 billion and $1 trillion importing oil from other nations, many of which don't much care for us. Can you imagine the U.S. economy if that $1 trillion was allowed to circulate here. The amount of good paying jobs it would create.

I can.

Just one more case why Obama must go.

By the way, have you noticed how much cover the lamestream media is giving Obama? Back when Bush was President, and gas prices rose, it was all his fault. Now that Obama is President the meme the left is pushing is "there are no easy answers" [as to why the price has gone through the roof.] It's amazing to watch the overt bias.

Of course, as gas prices skyrocket, the price of transporting goods will skyrocket as well, effecting the price we pay for everything, especially food.

Enough is enough. We must demand a real energy policy and we must demand it now.

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