In it’s first week out Sarah Palin’s book, Going Rogue, An American Life, has debuted in the coveted number one spot on the New York Times Best Sellers List.
Going Rogue reportedly sold 300,000 the first day and 700,000 the first week. HarperCollins, Sarah Palin’s publisher, seeing the way sales were going, had already ordered a second printing before the book actually was available on your favorite book store’s shelves. HarperCollins ordered the printing of an additional 1 million books to go along with the original 1.5 million first printing, which will bring the total printing, to date, to 2.5 million copies.
Sarah’s book replaces the previous week’s top seller, tennis champion Andre Agassi’s autobiography Open.
Few nonfiction books have debuted so well. In 2004, Bill Clinton’s My Life sold around 900,000 copies in its first week.
If you haven’t picked up your copy of Going Rogue, all I can say is: What are you waiting for!
In this latest piece from The American Thinker, C. Edmund Wright really hits the nail on the head why the radicals hate Sarah Palin. Why the mere thought of her existence drives them out where the buses don’t run. It also explains why the American people love this magnificent woman.
Hating Sarah
The Alaska Governor is far more than someone who appeals to the (conservative) base, she is someone who can make the base appeal to America.
This compact yet comprehensive diagnosis was made in the early hours of the Palin Derangement Syndrome (PDS) outbreak, when Sarah Palin was first being introduced to the nation. It still rings true as the Jurassic media continues a childish obsession with someone who does not control a single government lever.
Having said that, PDS has now matured past epidemic to full-blown pandemic status with a derangement component that is now insanely intense. Remember, Palin does not have one whit of legal authority over these people or anyone else. Yet as her elected status has ended, her effect on the elites has only increased. Perhaps it is time to update the correct initial diagnosis to contemplate the increased virulence of this mental and emotional malady.
To corroborate and condense the many valid commentaries out there on the Palin effect, allow me to submit diagnosis PDS 2:
The persistence and even growth of Palin's popularity and impact on the national discussion now makes unavoidable the reality of the elitists' worst fear: that there are more of us than there are of them. And we now realize it.
As many have correctly pointed out, the pundits' vitriol and patronizing comments smack of a hatred and anger that only thinly veils the real emotion underlying their irrational behavior: Fear. Part of it is fear that she will indeed hold public office again. But it goes even deeper than that.
It is an increasing awareness that Palin's impact is much more than a strong advocacy of conservatism as a sound political philosophy. These people are now finding it hard to escape the reality that her life is a compelling and real advocacy of conservatism as a powerful life philosophy. Life trumps politics.
And once the casual voter has related to Palin's life philosophy as something that is true, practical and worth adopting, they are dead to liberalism forever. They will never again believe in "the electability" of moderates like McCain and never again fall prey to a "clean articulate black man" with a good tele-prompter.
If your life revolves around convincing Republicans to nominate folks like McCain or around electing people like Obama, this is a scary prospect indeed. Like the signature scene from "Alien," this realization is causing the emergence from deep within the elites of something even uglier and more powerful than we imagined.
They will not admit this of course. In fairness, they may not even consciously know what is going on inside their insulated minds. And short of breathing -- Palin is doing little to stoke this -- and yet it is getting worse.
While people who live a conservative base type life have always outnumbered the elites, the last public figure who evidenced it simply by existing was Ronald Reagan. And yes, many of the attacks on Palin today are the same attacks Reagan endured decades ago and they are coming from the same quarters.
Palin and Reagan are similar in that they both can use a few simple words and communicate more truth to average Americans than the media elites can with rambling professorial or lawyer speak. When she told Charlie Gibson that "you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska," she refers to a profound sense of reality one automatically gets when you see your mortal enemy every single day. Now I understood it the day she said it. Send a memo to David Brooks please.
Her comment about the Soviet Union would be no different than Joe Biden claiming he has a deep understanding of Amtrak service into Wilmington and how to fleece taxpayers for his transportation. If he were to say this, he would be absolutely right. Finally!
When Reagan quipped "tell ‘em the bombing starts in five minutes," he spoke volumes about the good guys, the bad guys, our relative capabilities and our moral imperative. Brevity is the soul of wit -- and does not require a teleprompter. Many Americans understood the genius in that so-called off-handed comment instantly. Oh, so did Gorbachev.
But to liberals uncomfortable with the idea of America having any moral imperatives or to moderate pundits and strategists afraid to choose corn flakes without referencing a focus group report, such certitude based on common sense and love of country is unsettling. This is not who they are, and they have convinced themselves that they are the country. They are the self proclaimed best and brightest and there are more folks who believe that than who believe otherwise -- or so they think.
Like Reagan's, Palin's easy natural appeal shatters that delusion. And she is the first one to do so for any length of time in a long time. Oh sure, Newt Gingrich had his moments in 93-94 as he was building the Contract with America movement. He was feared and hated for a while, but the media succeeded in beating him up so badly he's now as likely to agree with Gore as with Reaganism.
When Stormin' Norman Schwarzkopf was rolling through Iraq in Gulf War I, George Bush 41 was feared with a 90% approval rating. Then he stopped Norman from stormin' and misread his own lips on taxes and faded into an abyss with only 38% of the vote in 1992.
And of course, we saw the elites fear and hate Bush 43 the Cowboy as he enjoyed approval ratings over 80% for months. Under fire, he forgot that most people love cowboys and he hung up his hat and spurs. Thus he limped into history with barely one in five Americans' approval -- ironically discrediting a conservative movement he never believed really existed.
So while the elites eventually beat back Gingrich and the Bushes, they seem to know they will never do that to Palin. They never could do it to Reagan either. Like Reagan, Palin seems to arrive at her beliefs with too much foundation to ever rattle. That gives power to her spoken and written words that other Americans can sense.
Yes, there are more of us than there are of them. Sarah Palin has reminded us -- and them -- of that fact. And it drives them bananas.
Folks, this is spot on. It can be condensed down to this. Sarah is real. Sarah doesn’t just talk the talk, she walks the walk. Sarah actually lives the life she advocates. That’s rather unique in today’s political atmosphere.
The attacks on Sarah Palin are unending. If you are someone who follows her like we do, you see it constantly. But there is never any "there" there, to their attacks. No substance. The amount of mental and verbal gymnastics the radicals, in both parties, go to is quite amusing.
Form sending, count ‘em, eleven AP "fact checkers" to look into her book, to the latest "scandal" that (OMG!) Sarah is flying to some of the stops on her nationwide book tour, the smell of fear these people have of this gal is palpable!
Sarah Palin is only a surrogate for all of you, the normal hard working American people. The "elites" in both parties loathe you, and now fear you, as well. When they attack Sarah Palin, they are also attack us, they attack what America is really all about.
Remember that the next time you read some ridiculously unhinged story lamenting Sarah Palin and telling you how bad she is for you. What they are really saying is YOU are bad for you and YOU are bad for America.
If you are not one of the nearly one million people who have purchased and read Sarah Palin’s new book, Going Rogue, An American Life, then you are missing out on one of the really great treats and treasures of our time.
One doesn’t actually read Going Rogue, they experience it. You experience Sarah Palin’s life as she takes you from a young girl growing in the rugged Alaska wilderness through her days as a championship basketball player, a city councilwoman, mayor, oil and gas regulator, reformer, Governor, and vice presidential candidate. All told in Sarah’s wonderfully enjoyable way.
The book is so much more than just an account of Sarah Palin’s life though. Rush Limbaugh has called it "truly one of the most substantive policy books" that he has ever read, and that it is. However, you won’t find a single chart, graph, or bullet point anywhere in the book. Going Rogue is a book of philosophy, and book of strategy. Going Rogue is a book of great inspiration, and of great triumphs.
If up to this point you have only relied on reviews from the old, corrupt Obamacentric media, to tell you about Sarah’s book, then you have been poorly served. Most of the dishonest media will have you believe this is some sort of vindictive "tell all" or "score settling" book. Whatever it takes to sell papers and get ratings, I suppose.
The truth is, Sarah tells her story, all of her story, but is very generous, even to those who served her poorly, or caused her grief. If you buy the book looking for fireworks, or to see her dishing up dirt, you’ll be sorely disappointed. This just isn’t Sarah Palin’s style. Frankly we have written more extensively and brutally about those in Alaska who have attacked her and her family than Sarah herself does.
Sarah touches on the attacks by the hate bloggers, and she mentions the ties they have to Barack Obama through his campaign chief-of-staff, now White House adviser, Pete Rouse. She talks about the fictitious "Troopergate" affair, and how things completely changed once Obama’s team got involved. She spends a few pages discussing how Obama’s involvement, and how Chicago thug politics poisoned the once friendly atmosphere of Alaska politics.
Sarah also spends some time discussing the McCain campaign. Again, if you are looking for mud slinging, you are going to be highly disappointed. Sarah tells her side of the story, discusses the events in great detail. She takes responsibility for her errors, and points out where she felt things could have been done better. Not a vindictive word to be found.
Instead, Sarah takes you through the process of being chosen as a candidate, and running for Vice President. It’s a fascinating behind the scenes look at how things work.
Sarah has nothing but high praise for John McCain in the book. You know that she has a great admiration and respect for the Senator and his family. This comes through loud and clear every time she speaks of John and Cindy.
The same can be said for the much talked about Katie Couric and Charlie Gibson interviews. She talks about them, tells you where she went wrong, how she felt they were a bad idea to start with, then moves on to more important things.
You'll find Sarah to be frank about things all throughout the book. This is a woman who is comfortable with herself and has no problem talking about the way she sees things. This is a strong, determined woman, who is also very open and candid as she tells her story.
Most of the book centers on her family and her remarkable life. Sarah takes us through her pregnancy with her beautiful son Trig. Here she lets us in on the intimate details, her inner most thoughts and feelings. You feel the love that Sarah has for all of her children in this book, and her great love and admiration for Todd as well. You can’t help but admire Todd as a wonderfully strong husband and father. A real man’s man, who supports Sarah in every way.
You’ll also be pleased to learn that Sarah’s wicked sense of humor shows up all throughout the book, making a good read into a great read.
This is what you really get with this book, a look at one of America’s most amazing women, up close, personal, and in her own words. You get a look at Alaska. You feel Sarah’s great love for her state, of the land, and of nature. You feel the magnificence of Alaska through her words.
Regular readers know that my background is not in politics, but in sales and management. While I’ve enjoyed reading books of all kind, I most enjoy books dealing with business, written by those great masters like Lee Iaccoca, Jim McKay, and Bob Lutz. Going Rogue is certainly this type of book. Going Rogue is truly a book on successful management, as well as business and political strategy.
If you read Sarah’s book, you will find it to be just as Limbaugh describes it, a substantial book on policy. Oh, she doesn’t go on and on for pages about how she will do things, there are no charts or bullet points. No lectures.
Instead, you’ll find that every page is a lesson in philosophy, policy, and strategy. All of this is intertwined with Sarah’s accounting of her life.
This is what makes Going Rogue one of those rare treasures of a book:
If you are a fan, who simply wants to know more about this remarkable woman, you will come away pleased and fulfilled. Sarah takes you through her life, and her style of writing makes you really experience it all. Her words have you visualizing the events as they unfold. You will come away with great admiration for Sarah and her family. You find these are truly nice people. Regular folks who you would like to have as your friends and neighbors.
If you are someone who is more interested in what makes Sarah tick, politically, well, you are certainly in for a treat! Again, there are no charts or graphs, but throughout the book, Sarah’s philosophy on life, and politics comes through. If you read Going Rogue, you will learn how she governed in Alaska, and how she would govern as President. How she looks at the world. What her policies on the economy, national security, and energy are.
If you are not already familiar with Sarah’s significant record of accomplishments, you will be by the time you are through. You will learn why Sarah had such a high approval rating (mid 80's) among some of the most independent minded voters in America. You’ll learn why the democrat/communists, as well as the Republican "elites" fear her, and why millions support her.
You’ll also learn that Sarah is not some far right ideologue. Instead you’ll find that common sense is what rules the day. You’ll find someone who is willing to work with anyone, as long as they are working toward a common goal, and some good old fashioned common sense is being employed. You learn that Sarah Palin is someone who knows how to get things done.
Something else, you’ll learn that Sarah Palin is a bold leader. Sarah is not someone who is afraid to do big things, or afraid to do things differently to get results, and her record shows she gets results.
In the end, if you don’t read another book this year, you should read Going Rogue. This book is a pure joy to read, and you will find yourself not wanting to put it down. You will find Sarah to be likable, and inspiring. After all, this is a woman who was literally raised in a log cabin on the rugged landscape of Alaska, who has become one of America’s brightest shining stars.
Going Rogue, like Sarah Palin herself, is a real American treasure.
"Prosecuting American 'War Crimes': The International Criminal Court claims jurisdiction over U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan," by Daniel Schwammenthal in the Wall Street Journal, November 26:
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressed "great regret" in August that the U.S. is not a signatory to the International Criminal Court (ICC). This has fueled speculation that the Obama administration may reverse another Bush policy and sign up for what could lead to the trial of Americans for war crimes in The Hague.
The ICC's chief prosecutor, though, has no intention of waiting for Washington to submit to the court's authority. Luis Moreno Ocampo says he already has jurisdiction--at least with respect to Afghanistan.
Because Kabul in 2003 ratified the Rome Statute--the ICC's founding treaty--all soldiers on Afghan territory, even those from nontreaty countries, fall under the ICC's oversight, Mr. Ocampo told me. And the chief prosecutor says he is already conducting a "preliminary examination" into whether NATO troops, including American soldiers, fighting the Taliban may have to be put in the dock.
"We have to check if crimes against humanity, war crimes or genocide have been committed in Afghanistan," Mr. Ocampo told me. "There are serious allegations against the Taliban and al Qaeda and serious allegations about warlords, even against some who are connected with members of the government." Taking up his inquiry of Allied soldiers, he added, "there are different reports about problems with bombings and there are also allegations about torture."
It was clear who the targets of these particular inquiries are but the chief prosecutor shied away from spelling it out.
Asked repeatedly whether the examination of bombings and torture allegations refers to NATO and U.S. soldiers, Mr. Ocampo finally stated that "we are investigating whoever commits war crimes, including the group you mentioned."
The fact that he avoided a straightforward "I am looking into possible war crimes committed by American soldiers" showed that Mr. Ocampo is aware of the enormity of crossing this legal and political bridge. Appointed in 2003 for a nine-year period, the 57-year-old Argentinian has--so far--established a record of cautious jurisprudence....
This is simply unbelievable. No strike that. It’s perfectly believable that our far left America hating "president" would go for this. These far left loons have been praying for this sort of thing for decades. From the time Hanoi Jane Fonda took a ride on a North Vietnamese tank, and John F. Kerry, who served in Vietnam, threw someone else’s medals away and lied to Congress about supposed "atrocities" that never occurred, these anti-America traitors have looked for ways to demonize the military.
For decades these petulant little communists have moaned every time America has defended itself, and the rest of the world, from evil. If there was ever any doubt in your mind, that the left hates America and wants it destroyed, this should alleviate those doubts.
Of course, we all know what the end game of this exercise is. These left wing loons want to be able to send Bush, Cheney, Rove, and the rest of the team that kept us safe after 9/11 over to the Hague. To the far left, protecting Americans is a war crime.
Make no mistake about this. Obama is a radical communist who was raised from birth by radical America hating communists. Obama’s mother and father were communists. His mother’s parents were communists. After his mother dumped him on her parents’ door step to raise, Obama was mentored by radical communist, pornographer, and pedophile Frank Marshall Davis, a Chicagoan who "lived in exile" in Hawaii.
We all know that Obama sought out the most radical dregs of society in college, as it is talked about in the book he supposedly wrote, that was actually written by terrorist Bill Ayers, the radical who bombed the Pentagon, The U.S. Capitol building, and New York City Police Headquarters, as well as other police stations, and government buildings nationwide during his tenure as founder of the ultra-violent Weather Underground terrorist group. Ayers mentored Obama, gave him work, and helped him launch his political career.
Everything Obama does, every action he takes just drips with his disdain for America, for the American people, and for the American way of life. This grotesque embarrassment has marinated in hatred for America since birth. The little Saul Alinsky communist "community organizer" has spent a lifetime working against everything that makes America the greatest nation on earth. Obama is nothing more than an ACORN/SEIU thug who somehow fooled a number of Americans, and lied his way into office.
Everything Obama does is designed to destroy the very fabric of American society as we know it. His unconstitutional plan for "health care" is nothing more than a maniacal plan to render our Constitution null and void, and give the federal government unprecedented power and control.
The American people are loudly opposed to this plan, but Obama and his communist controlled Congress couldn’t care less. It is their intentions to ram this down America’s throat no matter what.
The same thing goes for "climate change" legislation, cap and tax. Thinking people have known that "global warming" was a hoax all along. Now with proof out there that all of these so-called climate scientists have been lying all along, cooking the books, and hiding information, what is the Obama regime’s stance? Why they are now going to Copenhagen to work on a treaty, if ratified, that would cause the United States to lose it’s sovereignty as a nation to some unelected panel overseas. This of course, would be the crowning achievement for the radical left, America destroyed.
I’m not sure what it’s going to take for the American people to finally say enough is enough, and demand Obama step down and Congress change course, but if this sort of nonsense is allowed to go on much longer, we’ll be at a place where there will be no stopping this.
I know patriots look forward to 2010 with great joy and anticipation. There is a great opportunity for a huge shake up in Washington. With all of the seats in the House up for grabs, and a third of those in the Senate contested, the American people have a chance to clean house, to get a fresh start.
I have to caution everyone though, Obama and his group of thugs know this as well. Many in Congress will vote for the most criminal of legislation, knowing they will be voted out, because they have been promised high paying jobs as lobbyists and "advisers" by the democrat/communist machine. The most corrupt "president" and the most corrupt Congress in our nation’s history all have golden parachutes packed and ready to go.
We simply cannot wait for the 2010 elections. We must fight these people now. We must stop this evil in it’s tracks. If we don’t, we may very well lose America to the ash heap of history.
As usual, our friends at HillBuzz have hit on a provocative idea.
If you're not a regular reader of HillBuzz you are missing out on some great reading. I discovered this group during the 2008 election cycle. The guys over there a lifelong democrats who got really fed up with the direction the party has gone. As the site’s name implies, they are huge supporters of Hillary Clinton, but let me tell you, you won’t find any stronger a group of Sarah Palin supporters out there.
I enjoy HillBuzz because they bring an entirely new perspective to the debate, a while different line of critical thinking. Classify the group any way you wish, but they certainly understand Conservative principles and values, and articulate them in they own unique style.
Anyhow, they have a very interesting idea here that many on our side would not have thought of: Michelle Bachmann as Speaker of the House. Now if you are a strong Conservative, you’re a fan of Micelle Bachmann. Like Sarah Palin, Bachmann is a tough, strong woman. Bachmann is absolutely fearless in her position as a Congresswoman. She has zero reservations when it comes to standing up for the Constitution, and taking on those who would run afoul of it’s intent.
Today we had an interesting breakfast at Nookie’s Tree (pumpkin pancakes, yo) with a friend of ours deeply involved in local Democrat politics here in Illinois. He’s a firm backer of Governor Quinn, and wants Hoffman to win the Dems’ Senate nomination (and is working hard behind the scenes to take corrupt mob banker Alexi Giannoulias down before he can win the Dem primary next year). Because of our support of McCain/Palin and the other stances we’ve taken since the takeover of the Democrat Party and its occupation by Utopian radicals, we’ve had little contact with this friend because the lot of us here have become "toxic" in Dem circles in Chicago. That’s fine with us, honestly, because we can’t in good faith work for a party that behaves the way it does, and treats women and gays the way it so enjoys doing.
But, our friend is a great conversationalist, and enjoys scrying into the future as much as we do. He believes Democrats will hold the Senate in next year’s midterms, but that Harry Reid will be defeated, by Sue Lowden most likely, and Dick Durbin will be installed as the new Senate Majority Leader (which will be a Christmas present to Republicans, since Durbin is a truly stupid and bumbling man, worse than Reid if that is even humanly possible).
He also thinks Democrats will indeed lose the House, as he’s hearing of more House members deciding not to seek re-election, knowing their votes on Utopicare will doom their careers. They have all been promised highly lucrative post-government jobs by Nancy Pelosi, however, so many of these Dems are willing to take the bullets for Utopiacare so that they can make millions in the coming years by working as "consultants" and then lobbyists, with Pelosi and the DNC’s employment agency placing them into golden parachutes (more like golden showers, if you ask us. Google it.).
What’s unclear to us is who the GOP has lined up to take Pelosi’s place if they get control of Congress.
Someone like Michelle Bachmann would be incredible, but our friend insists she’s not even on the long list, let alone the short list for the job. "Remember, Republicans are all about "whose turn it is" and "who has been waiting longest for the job". There is no sense of timeliness with them, and never any consideration for who would be best to lead the party. They just get in a line and years later it’s their turn to be the nominee or the Speaker or whatever. That’s how Republicans do things, and that’s why they are so beatable usually".
Every day, we want to know more and more about Michelle Bachmann because, like Sarah Palin, we are witnessing someone at the start of her national career who will be around for a very long time, with the potential to change American politics as we know it.
The Tea Parties could install Bachmann as Speaker, we believe, if the Tea Party Movement itself grows, buckles down, and becomes a larger force to be reckoned with going into 2010.
Palin herself could help deliver Bachmann unto the Speaker’s chair, if the candidate Palin campaigns for next year mostly win, and the next Congressional majority owes a lot to Palin. It appears Palin and Bachmann are friendly, if not already allies. Palin would be well-served with one of her own as Speaker. That could help Palin’s groundgame in 2012 immensely.
Speaker Boehner seems to be the way Republicans would go, because he looks like he’s next in line, but he’d be such a bad choice in our opinion. He’s not bold enough, not gutsy enough, and not memorable enough.
Whoever replaces Nancy Pelosi needs to be a firecracker. We also think the GOP needs to put a woman in that Speaker’s chair. Because of the misogyny the Democrats have wallowed in for the last two years, many women are open to voting Republican for the first time in their lives. Republicans, thus, have the once-in-our-lifetime chance to be seen as "the party for women". Some of you might not like identity politics, but a great deal of independents sure do.
Independents decide elections…and many former Democrats are now independents who would like to see a woman succeed Pelosi.
Bachmann would make a dynamic, relevant, and capable Speaker, in our opinion.
A firecracker like that tossed into the top spot in the House would light a fuse that could blow Dr. Utopia from office in 2012, taking the rest of the Liberals in Congress with him.
What are your thoughts on Speaker Bachmann? Could it happen? Should it happen?
What happens if it happens?
Obviously, I have to echo their questions to the reader. Could it happen? Should it happen? And, what happens if it happens!
Sean Hannity calls Michelle Bachmann the "second most hated Conservative woman in America," a title she seems to relish. (We ALL know who the most hated Conservative is!)
Michelle will be a featured speaker at the first annual National Tea Party Convention. Sarah Palin, of course, is the Special Keynote Speaker at this event.
I’m not sure just how well Sarah and Michelle know each other, but the folks over at HillBuzz are certainly on to something with this idea. People already mention a Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachmann ticket for 2012 often. If you spend any amount of time on Conservative websites, you’ll see this mentioned constantly. I think what HillBuzz is saying though makes a lot of sense, and would certainly be beneficial to Sarah Palin, and a Palin presidency.
Look, I like John Boehner. I also like my own Congressman, John Carter, he’s a great Conservative leader. But the idea of someone bold like Michelle Bachmann as Speaker of the House is fascinating. And bold leadership is what we need right now. Ronald Reagan used to caution against the temptation to "paint in pale pastels." Reagan always championed "painting with bold colors." What Reagan meant was we need bold leadership, bold leaders who will strive to do great things.
Sarah Palin is obviously someone who fits the bill, but what of Michelle Bachmann? I think one has to look no farther than the dressing down she gave Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to see she is all business:
Here Michelle gives an impassioned speech on the House floor in which she takes to task our new "total gangster government."
Look, I have been one of those who has been on the Palin/Bachmann for 2012 bandwagon. I think it would be a superb ticket. You have two strong, bold women. Both mothers who are raising a large family.
Michelle, like Sarah has 5 children, and has also been a foster parent to 23 other children. Personally, I think motherhood has given both of these great women a perspective the "good old boys" will never have on things. And I say this as a typical, old fashioned "good old boy."
Here’s where it makes sense to have Michelle Bachmann as Speaker, rather than Vice President to Sarah Palin. If Sarah runs, and I know all of us will do everything in our power to encourage her to, she is going to want to bring sweeping changes to government.
We all know her philosophy. We all know she wants to shrink government, cut waste, and usher in great reforms. Sarah will also have a strong domestic energy agenda, as well as an economic growth agenda, and a very aggressive national security agenda. Michelle Bachmann would be a strong ally. She could easily help Sarah’s agenda, which is America’s agenda.
Having a strong, bold leader like Michelle Bachmann as Speaker of the House would be of great benefit to a President Sarah Palin, and of great benefit to the nation. Our next Congress and next President are facing the herculean task of dismantling the failed democrat/communist quagmire that has been created by allowing "progressives" to have a foothold in government. Budgets will have to be slashed, certain programs eliminated.
We need a bold energy policy, one that actually creates energy, and makes America independent from the whims of other nations. We also must retake our rightful roles and responsibilities as the world’s only superpower.
Both Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann get it. They both know what lies ahead. Most Conservatives think these two would make a great team, and now, thanks to our friends at HillBuzz, we see just how that team might look!
Tea Party Nation has announced they are holding the first of it’s kind National Tea Party Convention in Nashville, Tennessee February 4-6 at the Opryland Hotel.
Sarah Palin will be the Special Keynote Speaker at the event:
Tea Party Nation is pleased to announce the First National Tea Party Convention. The convention is aimed at bringing the Tea Party Movement leaders together from around the nation for the purpose of networking and supporting the movements' multiple organizations principle goals. This event will be co-sponsored by other national groups that believe in a responsible and limited federal government that is responsive to all the people. National Taxpayers Union, American Majority, Smart Girl Politics, and SurgeUSA are just a few of the organizations who will be on hand to contribute their time and talents to this convention.
Special Keynote Speaker for the event will be Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska (2006-2009) and 2008 Republican Vice Presidential Nominee.
The convention will feature well-known speakers, workshops, seminars, information centers, and organizational tools for leaders to take back to their respective local Tea Party organizations.
Popular Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann will be one of the breakfast speakers at the convention as well.
Tea Party Nation, according to their website, is "a user-driven group of like-minded people who desire our God given Individual Freedoms which were written out by the Founding Fathers. We believe in Limited Government, Free Speech, the 2nd Amendment, our Military, Secure Borders and our Country!"
This is obviously a major step for the nation. The Tea Party movement has been gaining steam since it’s beginnings, and is now turning into a serious political movement. On September 12, 2009 Tea Party members along with those from the 912 Project converged on Washington, D.C. Somewhere between 1.5 and 2 million patriots met up to rally against our radical, out of control government.
This national convention is the next logical step in the progression of this movement. This will strengthen the movement, and help coordinate all of the local Tea Party groups.
From Sarah Palin’s standpoint, this is obviously a good move. No one embodies the American Spirit, that rugged individualism, as well as Sarah Palin. Sarah is already favorite of Tea Party and 912 Project members, this will only solidify her standing. As we roll into 2010, and Sarah starts helping Conservative candidates nationwide, the support of Tea Party activists will be vital. The Tea Party groups will be the ones who will help run the ground game, who will knock doors and get out the vote.
Of course, as 2012 nears, having the support of the Tea Party groups will give Sarah a strong advantage over all others should she choose to run for President.
For more information on the National Tea Party Convention and Tea Party Nation, check here and here, respectively.
Of all of the insanity that has come out of our current democrat/communist congress, this has to really take the cake. These dangerous loons have been spending us into oblivion for quite some time. The spending has been beyond irresponsible, it borders on treason.
This is a bi-partisan effort, by the way. Both parties are out of control, but the democrat/communist party is now out there where the busses don’t run.
We all know the far left loons that infect Congress, and the nation as a whole, hate our military, despise it, actually. The left’s contempt for our military is palpable, has been forever. Now they are really letting it all hang out, going for broke.
Congress is now saying they want to add a "war surtax" to everyone’s tax bill to pay for our national security. They are now whining that the cost of war is hurting their march toward turning America into a communist hell hole.
In a bit of political grandstanding Congressman David Obey (D/C-Wisc.), the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, warned that if President Barack Obama decides to send additional troops to Afghanistan, it should be funded with the new tax.
Don’t you just love how democrat/communists want to tax EVERYTHING?
Obie went on to say this:
"If we don't pay for it, then the cost of the Afghan war will wipe out every other initiative that we have to try to rebuild our own economy," he said. "I'm going to be fighting to get whatever they do paid for."
That’s pretty rich! Just what are they doing to rebuild our economy? I see nothing.
Really? A tax on national defense? I hear liberal Congressional proposals and I, like most Americans, wonder if they’re serious. We’re going to put a price tag on security?
With Congress and President Obama spending money on everything at breakneck speed, it’s interesting that they are only now getting nervous about spending – but only when it comes to providing the necessary funds to complete our mission in Afghanistan. They don’t need a new "war tax" to fund a strategy for victory in the war zone. They simply need to prioritize our money appropriately.
I find it telling that the Pelosi-Reid Congress is only cost-conscious when it comes to our national defense. Scary. Nonsensical. Unacceptable.
- Sarah Palin
I know most in Congress these days have either never read the Constitution, or have chose to ignore it, but the American people haven’t. Having read our Constitution front to back, I can tell you that as far as spending, and responsibilities go, national defense and funding for it, is talked about frequently. In fact, it’s one of the few responsibilities of the federal government that is actually, and explicitly, spelled out!
In other words, constitutionally, Congress has no authority to do things like take over our health care, private businesses, or even schools, but they are directed to defend the nation and the Constitution.
So here is where we are at. We have a Congress that is trying to fundamentally change America, take her in a direction that an overwhelming number of Americans, a super majority, do not want to go.
Congress has spent more money since Barack Obama has been in office than was spent in the previous 233 years of our nation’s existence, combined. From George Washington, to George W Bush, Obama and his thug Congress has spent more than all of the other 43 Presidents, combined.
And yet, with all of the trillions of dollars spent on social engineering, and "change," these evil little devils can’t seem to find the money to pay for the ONE THING they are actually REQUIRED to pay for constitutionally!
I think it’s well past the time we continue to give these people the benefit of the doubt. Congress is out of control, and their refusal to listen to the American people is bordering on treason. We must hold these thieves, these scoundrels, accountable.
We must stop Congress from throwing our money away on social engineering and programs like their so-called "heath care reform" that will collapse our economy and send America into bankruptcy. We must demand that Congress stop spending and start cutting the fat.
Sarah speaks more about these issues and other issues regarding Barack Obama’s inability to take care of our troops, and perform his duties as Commander-in-Chief to our armed forces in an interview with Greta. There is some serious red meat here, well worth watching every segment:
A neat bit of Texas history as we get ready to give thanks for all of the rich bounty with have been blessed with by our creator. This look back comes from our Congressman, Judge John Carter.
Thanksgiving, like the Fourth of July, is a uniquely American holiday, one in which we put aside for a day our political differences and give thanks for the blessings we have received for our families and nation. But that shouldn’t stop us from taking a look at the history of Thanksgiving as it relates to Texas.
Most Americans are ignorant of the fact that Thanksgiving was celebrated in Texas 23 years before the first Pilgrim set foot by accident in Massachusetts in 1621.
Now we in Texas don’t mean that as an insult to our northern brethren. As Will Rogers said, we’re all ignorant – just about different things.
When and where Thanksgiving began always hinges on one of three arguments. Is the birthplace of Thanksgiving determined by the location of the first official feast of Thanksgiving by European colonists, or the first proclamation declaring an annual day of Thanksgiving, and is the recognition of a late Thursday in November a pre-condition for winning the contest?
If the answer is the former, Texas wins, and out with the turkeys. According to the Texas Almanac, El Paso celebrated the first Thanksgiving in North America. Spanish explorer Juan de Onate and his expedition of some 600 soldiers and colonists officially celebrated April 30, 1598 as a day of Thanksgiving on the site of what would become El Paso. They reportedly had ducks, geese, and fish.
Unfortunately, if we insist on the establishment of November as the month, we’re back to turkeys and some other state.
But Texans are certainly not the first to challenge the traditional misunderstanding that Massachusetts invented Thanksgiving. Those misdirected Pilgrims were supposed to be part of the Virginia Colony, which officially celebrated a day of Thanksgiving in 1610 in Jamestown following their survival of the infamous "Starving Time", when the young Colony almost perished.
Now to argument number two – when did it become an official annual event? Here comes Connecticut, which proclaimed the first annual celebration in 1639.
And so the argument goes, through the centuries, with states celebrating a day of Thanksgiving towards the end of November or first week of December across the country.
Texas Governor George Wood proclaimed our official annual Thanksgiving Day in 1849 as the first Thursday in December.
President Abraham Lincoln (R-IL) in 1863 became our first President to officially proclaim a national day of Thanksgiving, establishing the last Thursday in November as the official day.
President Franklin Roosevelt (D-NY) moved the official day from the last to the fourth Thursday in November to give shoppers more time before Christmas. That was part of Roosevelt’s 1939 economic stimulus plans, since all the massive federal spending he had undertaken since 1933 had failed to end the Great Depression, and he was finally turning to the free market for help. History repeats.
But back to putting aside our political differences.
There’s nothing wrong with having some grilled duck alongside that traditional turkey this Thursday, or some great Tex-Mex too for that matter. That’s real diversity that I whole-heartedly endorse.
We have adopted our current Thanksgiving traditions over centuries of American history and folklore to come up with our current version and that’s fine.
There is just one thing about this holiday that cannot be altered or debated, even in good-natured regional jibing, regardless of where, when, or how we celebrate it.
Thanksgiving is our national holiday to thank the Lord God Almighty for the incredible blessings He has poured on us as a nation, and to recommit our country to being the kind of nation He would have us to be.
Happy Thanksgiving to all, and May God continue to bless each of you, Texas, and America.
For a little balance, here is the Thanksgiving proclamation delivered by Edward Rawson on June 20, 1676, on behalf of the governing council of Charlestown, Massachusetts, declaring June 29 a day of thanksgiving. It’s reprinted as original:
"The Holy God having by a long and Continual Series of his Afflictive dispensations in and by the present War with the Heathen Natives of this land, written and brought to pass bitter things against his own Covenant people in this wilderness, yet so that we evidently discern that in the midst of his judgements he hath remembered mercy, having remembered his Footstool in the day of his sore displeasure against us for our sins, with many singular Intimations of his Fatherly Compassion, and regard; reserving many of our Towns from Desolation Threatened, and attempted by the Enemy, and giving us especially of late with many of our Confederates many signal Advantages against them, without such Disadvantage to ourselves as formerly we have been sensible of, if it be the Lord's mercy that we are not consumed, It certainly bespeaks our positive Thankfulness, when our Enemies are in any measure disappointed or destroyed; and fearing the Lord should take notice under so many Intimations of his returning mercy, we should be found an Insensible people, as not standing before Him with Thanksgiving, as well as lading him with our Complaints in the time of pressing Afflictions:
The Council has thought meet to appoint and set apart the 29th day of this instant June, as a day of Solemn Thanksgiving and praise to God for such his Goodness and Favour, many Particulars of which mercy might be Instanced, but we doubt not those who are sensible of God's Afflictions, have been as diligent to espy him returning to us; and that the Lord may behold us as a People offering Praise and thereby glorifying Him; the Council doth commend it to the Respective Ministers, Elders and people of this Jurisdiction; Solemnly and seriously to keep the same Beseeching that being perswaded by the mercies of God we may all, even this whole people offer up our bodies and souls as a living and acceptable Service unto God by Jesus Christ."
Here’s wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.
Xerox has launched a wonderful website for all of us to support our brave men and women in uniform who give us their all. Please check it out here.
The mission of Let's Say Thanks is to provide a way for individuals across the country to recognize U.S. troops stationed overseas. By submitting a message through this site you have the opportunity to send a free personalized postcard greeting to deployed servicemen and women.
The postcards, depicting patriotic scenes and hometown images, were selected from a pool of entries from children across the country.
All you have to do is click on your favorite design and either select the message that best expresses your sentiment or draft a personal note. The postcards are then printed on the Xerox iGen3® Digital Production Press and mailed in care packages by military support organization Give2TheTroops®.
Xerox is committed to helping people across the nation express their gratitude to our troops overseas. The launch of this program is aimed at reminding them how much Americans appreciate their service.
This is a great program, and yet another way to show our wonderful and brave men and women how much they mean to all of us, and how much we appreciate their sacrifices. Thanks to Xerox for coming up with this wonderful idea!
Following the announcement that Sarah’s book: Going Rogue, An American Life, sold 300,000 copies in the first day, the Associate Press is reporting sales of the book are going quite well:
NEW YORK — Sarah Palin appears well on her way to becoming a million-selling author.
"Going Rogue" sold 700,000 copies — a number that includes pre-orders — in its first week of release, according to a publishing official close to the former Alaska governor. The official was not authorized to release the sales figure and asked not to be identified.
Palin's memoir came out Nov. 17 with a first printing of 1.5 million copies. On Friday, publisher HarperCollins announced that the printing would be increased to 2.5 million.
Having read this incredible book, it’s easy to see why they are flying off the shelves too!
In her latest post, Sarah Palin reminds us that our military is what keeps us free, what keeps is safe. Sarah also reminds us that America is the greatest nation on earth, because of the American people.
US Troops Must be Second to None
Can’t wait to meet our troops – and all those who love the U.S. Armed Forces – today at Ft. Bragg. Read my book’s dedication page. The book is for these Patriots who fight for freedom. They deserve our support and our government’s unwavering commitment to equipping them for victory.
The book tour is beyond all expectations. This feels like the time when a team comes together, gearing up before a major competition to show unity and supply strength and encouragement to each team member equally, regardless of the team member’s role or title.
On this tour I hear the grave concerns Americans have for our children’s future. I also feel the hope so many of you want to cling to – hope for those on Capitol Hill to see the light, hope for politicians to be humble enough to acknowledge that growing the federal government isn’t the answer to our economic challenges, hope that it won’t take another terrorist strike to wake us up to continued threats by those who hate America and our allies.
At every stop on this tour I see Americans coming together to say, "Enough. We love our country too much to just sit down and shut up while politicians take us for a ride. We shall be heard."
We see a united team.
Now, I want to give you more hope: We are Americans. Anything is possible in America. Anyone can make a positive difference. You don’t need a title or a political position or a pedigree. We can take our country back from those who think growing national debt will grow prosperity for us, the little guys. We can take it back from those who think shrinking military power will make the homeland safer for us, the little guys.
We can take it back because we’re fired up, and we’re all about telling our government to listen to us, trust us, get back on our side… or politicians: you’re fired.
Plunging our country deeper and deeper in debt; borrowing billions from foreign countries; relying on foreign nations to supply us with energy; talking about sanctions against dangerous regimes but not following through; hesitating to surge aggressively to stop terrorist strongholds from growing; allowing government to take over health care, banks, the auto industry, and who knows what else they’ve got up their sleeves... it’s all too much and we’ve had enough.
Ronald Reagan knew it took a united team to right the wrongs of Washington. He told his team in essence, "Gentlemen and Ladies, I hate inflation; I hate taxes; I hate terrorists. Do something about it."
America, you’re doing something about it! Thank you for standing up and speaking out. Thank you for holding on to hope, for loving America so passionately and supporting our troops who fight for freedom. Keep the faith!
- Sarah Palin
PS: Please continue to follow the tour’s progress by following me on Twitter at SarahPalinUSA. Enjoy the photos below!
Sarah also posted quite a few photos from her book tour stops in Ohio, as well as her dinner with Reverend Billy Graham. You can check them out here.
Here’s a short video Of Sarah arriving at Ft Bragg. Some 4500 showed up to spend some time with America’s hottest author:
Cancer is a vicious killer, and one that hits home for me, having lost my dad at an early age, and several close friends to the dreaded disease. The good news about cancer though, is through innovation and research, by top scientists, survival rates have soared.
One of the really important developments that have lead directly to more cancer survivors is early detection through screenings. But if the communists in Congress, and Obama have their way, this will come to a grinding halt.
You see, screening costs money. Not only do those tests cost money, but so do the follow up tests as well treatments. Many cancer treatments are highly successful, but highly expensive, as well.
One thing we know, for sure, when the federal government unconstitutionally takes over health care, there will be a finite amount of money to be spent on caring for the sick. To make these dollars stretch, expensive treatments and many tests will have to be stopped, or postponed. Decisions to do this will be made by unelected and unaccountable boards of so-called experts, or as Sarah Palin has labeled them, death panels.
These "experts" won’t necessarily all be doctors, but they will be bean counters.
We’re seeing a couple of issues already, and ObamaCare hasn’t even passed. The first is in breast cancer screening. The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force has made the recommendation that we no longer do mammograms at age 40. It is their idea that 50 is the proper age to start, and those self exams? Forget about ‘em!
The standard schedule of starting screening mammograms at age 40 may soon change, and breast cancer prevention strategies would be improved, according to the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force. Women may not begin to have screening mammograms until they are 50, and they may cease doing breast self-exams altogether, if the newest guidelines for breast cancer screening from the USPSTF are widely adopted. In Canada and the United Kingdom, 50 is already the age at which screening mammography is begun. These new guidelines may have an impact on what health insurance providers will pay for.
The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force, a branch of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has updated its recommendations for breast cancer screening. After using computer simulation models to project the results of different screening strategies, the task force said that they recommend the changes because they want to cut down on the "harms" and risks of testing, which they believe do not outweigh the benefits. They cite too many false positives, unnecessary biopsies, anxiety, or in short, overdiagnosis. Their November 2009 guidelines suggest:
* Women between 40 and 49 years old should not be having routine screening mammograms. Instead, they say that women should make an informed decision about screening mammography before 50, and weigh their potential risks and benefits with their doctors.
* Women who are 50 to 74 years old should be having a screening mammogram every other year, because the risk for breast cancer increases as you age.
* Women over 74 years old are not given specific guidelines about routine screening mammography - as their risk of death from heart disease and other ailments is greater than from breast cancer.
* Women of any age should not be taught to do breast self-exams, but BSE is not forbidden.
* Clinical breast exams will not be required before screening mammograms, because CBE appears to add no benefit to the information gained from a mammogram.
In 2002, the USPSTF guidelines for breast cancer screening stated that women 40 and older should have annual mammograms to screen for breast cancer. The American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute have also agreed on screening mammograms for women ages 40 to 70. The The American Cancer Society will maintain their recommendation to start screening mammograms at age 40.
Mammography is not a perfect tool and neither is a breast self-exam. But it seems odd to take away these two tools, which we have been told are important, for women aged 40 - 49. This same battle has been fought before, in the mid-1990s. It was resolved by 1997, when the National Cancer Institute agreed to support mammograms for women in their forties.
In an editorial published in Annals of Internal Medicine, Dr. Karla Kerlikowske says that the focus should shift from screening and early detection to breast cancer prevention interventions. But for this to be effective, Dr. Kerlikowske says that we need a better risk model, more research on prevention, and standards "for routinely assessing risk factors, calculating breast cancer risk, and reporting risk to women and providers in an easily understandable format." Couldn't we wait, until more research has been done, before we change screening guidelines? Won't women be more at risk for ten years of their lives, if they are not having a mammogram and doing their self-exams?
This sentence hit me like a ton of bricks, just because of the wording:
Women of any age should not be taught to do breast self-exams, but BSE is not forbidden.
Are you kidding me? "BSE" stands for breast self examination. And this government death panel is telling women they shouldn’t learn how to do them, but are not "forbidden" from learning how and doing them. How generous of them.
That one word, "forbidden," when talking about what one can and cannot do with their own body, in the privacy of their own home, tells you all you need to know about the entire process that is coming down the pike, and the mentality of those who will sit in judgement on these death panels.
You will notice too, that in making this recommendation, this death panel references the UK and Canada as their model of inspiration. Two counties that have such great health care, because of government control, that those who can, leave the country for treatment of anything more complex than a head cold.
Compare America’s system with Canada’s and Great Britain’s. The latter are single-payer, universal health-care programs in which medical treatment is free at the point of service (Yay!), although citizens eventually pay for it through higher taxes (Boo!).
According to Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development data, there were 26.6 MRI machines in the U.S. per million people in 2004. In Canada, there were 4.9 such devices, while Britain enjoyed 5. For every 100,000 Americans, 2006 saw 436.8 receive angioplasties. Among Canadians, that figure was 135.9, while only 93.2 Britons per 100,000 got that cardiac procedure.
Maybe that’s why, among American men, heart-attack deaths in 2004 stood at 53.8 per 100,000. In Canada, 58.3 men per 100,000 died of cardiac arrest, while coronaries buried 69.5 of every 100,000 British males.
The fatality rate for breast cancer, according to the National Center for Policy Analysis and Lancet Oncology, is 25 percent in the U.S., 28 percent in Canada, and 46 percent in Great Britain.
Among those diagnosed with prostate cancer, 19 percent die of the disease in America. In Canada, 25 percent of such patients succumb to this disease. And in Great Britain — an Anglophone NATO member and America’s closest ally — prostate cancer kills 57 percent of those who contract it. That is triple the American fatality rate.
Here’s an interesting chart, for those who like charts:
Male Heart MI death(per 100K)..................53.8…..…..58.3…...…..96.5
Female Heart MI death(per100K)…............29.5…...….28.1.…..…..33.4
Breast Cancer fatality%)……………...........25……......28…………...46
Prostate Cancer fatality(%)…………….......19…..…….25….………..57
Male all cancer fatality(%)…………….........33.7…...…47…………..56
Female all cancer fatality(%)………............37.1……..42………......44.2
Notice, there is a serious lack of medical equipment in Canada and the UK, specifically, MRI machines and CT scanners, equipment that American hospitals use extensively on a daily basis to save lives.
You will also notice that breast cancer is slightly more likely to kill you in Canada, and probably will kill you in jolly old England. And if you are a guy, you really don’t want to live in either Canada or the UK. In the UK prostate cancer is death sentence for most.
Sarah has weighed in again on this craziness, as now the death panels are recommending changes in other screenings:
Cancer Screenings - Rational Advice or Rationed Care?
Today at 1:10am
It was a breath of fresh air to finally hear the Democrats admit to their health care bill as "a lot of show and tell and razzmatazz," (see Democrat talking points, in reference to my book). At least now we’re all on the same page when discussing the problems with their monstrous government health care "reform" plan.
Now, tonight, more disconcerting news – the New York Times reports of new guidelines to scale back cervical cancer screenings. The recommendation from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists comes on the heels of another recommendation to limit breast cancer screenings with mammograms. There are many questions unanswered for me, but one which immediately comes to mind is whether costs have anything to do with these recommendations. The current health care debate elicits great concern because of its introduction of socialized medicine in America and the inevitable rationed care. We need to carefully watch this debate as it coincides with Capitol Hill’s debate and determine whether we are witnessing the early stages of that rationed care before the Senate bill is rushed through as well.
Another question is why these women-focused cancers are seemingly receiving substandard attention at a time when proactive health and fitness should be the message. Every woman should encourage rigorous debate to ensure that our collective voices are heard. We are paying attention to Washington’s health care proposals, and we want to hear what helps patients the most.
We need answers: Is early screening not saving lives? Why do doctors’ groups disagree? Did costs play any role in these decisions to change the recommendations on breast and cervical cancer screenings? We need assurances that everything we’ve heard this week about fewer tests for women’s cancers is a result of patient-focused research and providing the best care for the right reasons, and not because of bureaucratic pressure to control costs.
Obviously the first thought that comes to mind when hearing of these new recommendations from bureaucratic panels is "rationed care." It’s fair – and healthy – to ask if that’s what Washington has in mind with a government-controlled takeover of a health care system.
- Sarah Palin
The rationing of health care is the only way ObamaCare will work. Again, there will be a finite amount of money budgeted to the nation’s health care. Our "benevolent leaders" will "generously allow" only a certain amount of the money they confiscate from us to actually be used to keep us in good health.
I mean, look, some of this money is desperately needed for more important projects, like keeping ACORN and SEIU in the "community organizing" business. How else will the
democrat/communists keep the glorious people’s revolution alive?
I promised you more still on death panels. (Like this ain’t enough!) Here’s an alarming report from the BBC:
Liver cancer drug 'too expensive'
A drug that can prolong the lives of patients with advanced liver cancer has been rejected for use in the NHS in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) said the cost of Nexavar - about £3,000 a month - was "simply too high".
But Macmillan Cancer Support said the decision was "a scandal".
More than 3,000 people are diagnosed with liver cancer every year in the UK and their prognosis is generally poor.
Only about 20% of patients are alive one year after diagnosis, dropping to just 5% after five years.
Campaigner Kate Spall, who won the right to have two months of treatment for her mother, Pamela Northcott, in 2007, said it had prolonged her life by four-and-a-half "precious" months.
It had allowed her 58-year-old mother, from Dyserth in Denbighshire, "closure" and "peace", she told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.
"The problem in Mum's case is it took a year for me to fight for the treatment, so we'll never know how well she could have done," she said.
Prof Jonathan Waxman: "I'm very unhappy about the way these decisions are made"
"We had extra time, which was very precious to us all, her symptoms were helped greatly. And, more importantly, for Mum it was a case of getting some closure and peace.
"The psychological feeling when a group of people decide that you cannot have a treatment that can help you is really devastating."
Cancer Research UK's chief clinician Peter Johnson said the decision was "enormously frustrating" because there was no doubt about the drug's effectiveness.
He said: "There's no alternative treatment and there are no other places for people to go. It is expensive, but the only issue is cost and the number of patients affected are quite few - there's probably only six or seven hundred patients a year."
Nexavar - also known as sorafenib - had already been rejected in Scotland, despite studies showing it could extend the life of a liver cancer patient by up to six months.
'Devastating disease'
The Scottish Medicines Consortium ruled that "the manufacturer's justification of the treatment's cost in relation to its benefit was not sufficient to gain acceptance".
Andrew Dillon, chief executive of NICE, agreed: "The price being asked by [the manufacturer] Bayer is simply too high to justify using NHS money which could be spent on better value cancer treatments."
And the group's clinical and public health director, Peter Littlejohns, added the drug was considered "just too expensive" by its advisory committees.
Nexavar is routinely offered to cancer patients elsewhere in the world, and Mike Hobday, head of campaigns at Macmillan Cancer Support, said he was "extremely disappointed" at NICE's decision.
"It is a scandal that the only licensed drug proven to significantly prolong the lives of people with this devastating disease has been rejected, leaving them with no treatment options," he said.
Alison Rogers, chief executive of the British Liver Trust, said: "The decision to reject a treatment for advanced liver cancer is a huge blow for patients.
"This is a treatment to extend life for people where all other options have run out.
"It is particularly hard for people with liver cancer given that treatments for many other advanced cancers have been given the green light by NICE.
"People with liver disease often face stigma and discrimination and sadly this decision feels like a further disadvantage to them."
Earlier this year, a government review of end-of-life treatment said NICE should give extra weight to drugs that could extend a patient's life.
The Department of Health said NICE was not ignoring that recommendation, but the NHS could not just pay for any drug at any cost.
The UK is a very totalitarian system when it comes to patient care. The system also strips it’s citizens of many basic liberties and freedoms we take for granted in America. As I wrote in an earlier piece, not only do they have death panels in the UK, these government monstrosities have evolved into what I am calling "lifestyle panels."
Kerry Robertson, 17, and Mark McDougall, 25, haven’t broken any law. But they are on the run from the authorities, and from their home in Dunfermline, Scotland.
Less than eight weeks ago the couple were excitedly planning their wedding. They had booked church ceremony for the 5th of September, a Saturday. She had already chosen and bought her wedding dress. They had bought the rings, and invited 20 guests. Two days before the big day, however, social services told them that their wedding would have to be cancelled. Fife Council wrote a letter, objecting to the marriage, to Dunfermline Register Office, who consequently refused to marry the couple.
Social services claim Kerry cannot understand what marriage means, because she has learning difficulties. They are mild, it seems. She is able to read and write, and is going to college to "catch up." Her partner Mark told the Daily Mail: "'I didn't even know she had learning difficulties until we'd been dating for two months."
Kerry is 29 weeks pregnant – with a boy they have named Ben. "Although Ben isn't born yet," Kerry says, "I already love my baby and know I will be a good mum. Mark and I talk to him inside me every day and tell him we love him. We've already bought him clothes and my cousin, who recently had a baby, has handed down a beautiful crib for him."
Social services say that Kerry – a college student – isn’t intelligent enough to bring up her child with Mark. They plan to allow the couple only a few hours with Ben after he is born. Then Ben will be taken from Kerry and Mark, and placed with foster parents.
I went on to add:
Let’s think about this for a minute.
Here are a couple of young kids in love. They were excited and planning a nice wedding, when all of a sudden, a Big Government drone steps in and through their own "expertise" decides they are not fit to be parents because the girl is a little "slow."
Under those guidelines, if adopted in America, would Barack Obama be allowed to keep his kids? I mean this is the guy that thought he had traveled to 57 states on the campaign, and had 1 or 2 to go. Would that make Obama a little "slow" in the eyes of the almighty bureaucrat?
Can you imagine?
My point? Allowing the government control over anything can be dangerous, even for the most noble of reasons. It’s why our founders wrote a Constitution that was design to allow the several states and all citizens, great freedoms, while restraining the federal government. In the past 100 years we have seen a rapid shift to the exact opposite, as "progressives" both democrat/communists and Republicans have grabbed more control, and wrestled many freedoms from the several states, and the American citizen.
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.
____Ronald Reagan
All of these new "recommendations" that are suddenly coming down from these faceless panels are the canary in the coal mine for what is to come if we allow Obama and his radical communist agenda to succeed., if we allow ObamaCare to become law.
This is can all be stopped, but you must be willing to put every single ounce of effort you can muster to achieve that goal. We are at war in this nation. Oh, it’s not a shooting war, but it is a war nonetheless. We are war with radical communists who want to "fundamentally change" America into something it was never meant to be.
It’s a failed prescription. Communism, socialism, Statism, whatever "ism" you want to call this evil, has destroyed nations world wide every time it has been tried. Just because this group of radicals think they are the ones smart enough to make it work doesn’t make it so!
The surest way to lose most, if not all, of your most fundamental freedoms and rights is to allow the Obama regime to continue along this path of certain destruction.
As I write this on an early Friday afternoon, I realize the U.S. Senate is about to vote on a 2000 plus page piece of liberty destroying garbage that absolutely no one has read, or understands.
This multi-trillion dollar affair will raise taxes, destroy our quality of health care, and give the government powers that will, for all practical purposes, void our Constitution, completely usurp it.
Speaking of the Constitution, it only took four sheets of paper to write the most significant and enduring political document in the history all mankind. Our Constitution is the envy of the world, and the absolute blueprint for the freedom of all mankind. Four sheets of paper.
By contrast, the lunacy that is our current radical communist controlled Congress, has produced bills in the House and Senate of a combined total of nearly 4100 pages. Incredible.
Here’s a good time to remind everyone the words of the Great Ronald Reagan on the dangers of allowing these radicals to take over our lives through health care. This is from the successful Operation Coffee Cup Campaign against socialized medicine in 1961:
Isn’t it time that all of America listens to one of our greatest leaders in history?
You can read more about the horrors in Canada and the United Kingdom here and here.